Biggest issue with attending #INGroup's annual convention is I want to attend everything
And there's parallel sessions
Turns out #TuckerCarlson was corrosive, manipulative and abusive not only to people he considered enemies, but also to the staff of #FoxNews.
I can't honestly say that I'm surprised to hear this. Tucker learned that these ways lead to success, so he relied on them when confronting the #outgroup, but also when trying to align the #ingroup.
#tuckercarlson #foxnews #outgroup #ingroup #media
Subtle #primes of #InGroup and #OutGroup #affiliation change #votes in a large scale field #experiment
#football #soccer
"Strong evidence of in-group favoritism based on #NationalIdentity. The effect of the national identity prime is greatest among individuals reporting having a strong national identity. In contrast, we do not find evidence of in-group #favoritism based on team identity."
#favoritism #NationalIdentity #forzafootball #soccer #football #openaccess #experiment #votes #affiliation #outgroup #ingroup #primes
6yo just classified her current #brookline classmates as “us” and her former Israeli classmates as “them” and I’m not sure I’m ready for such quick #ingroup and #outgroup idetification processes 😱🫣
@selectric TL;DR would be happy to add y'all to the relay, yr #ingroup enough
The paper is: Jones, D. (2000). Group nepotism and human kinship. Current Anthropology, 41(5): 779-809
It's long and I can't do it justice here, but it is rich with examples of how real-world #kinship obligations work,
and even talks about #ethnocentrism and #ethnonationalism.
Group nepotism is when relatedness is combined with #coordination, i.e., there is sufficient #ingroup #solidarity
for the group to act as a #collective.
#collective #solidarity #ingroup #coordination #ethnonationalism #ethnocentrism #kinship
Imagine leaving for new shores, and as you arrive realizing that there's no #ingroup there
#Framing ist kein Modebegriff. Framing ist sehr real im Alltag der #Medien. Wenn zum Beispiel im Privat-TV eine Sendung mit dem Satz «Neuseelands #Grenzen sind ständig unter #Bedrohung» beginnt, dann stecken in diesem Satz schon die folgenden Aussagen:
- Grenzen trennen nicht, sie schützen.
- Alles ausserhalb dieser Grenzen ist potentiell bedrohlich.
- Alles innerhalb dieser Grenzen ist sicher.
Kurzum: Ein knallhartes #Ingroup-#Outgroup-Denken, das subtil zwischen den Zeilen mitgeliefert wird.
#framing #medien #grenzen #bedrohung #ingroup #outgroup