Opinions on hot steam vs compressor vs ultrasonic vs membrane #inhalation to fight simple colds?
Also, if he thinks we are in a better place now in the #pandemic than we were before…
well then i have a bridge to sell you!
#acuteInfection isn’t the primary issue & also w/ prior #variants it took 10-15 minutes instead of.. 10-15 seconds #viralDose #inhalation
#reinfection is weakening #immuneSystem #tcells & destroying organs & #covid has mutated in 3 yrs MORE than #influenza in 15 years
I HAVE ZERO SCIENCE yet can fully understand this but #Osterholm is like “how did this happen to me?”🤦🏻♀️
#Pandemic #acuteinfection #variants #viraldose #inhalation #reinfection #immunesystem #tcells #covid #influenza #osterholm
RT @srfnews@twitter.com
Zur Bekämpfung von #Erkältungen setzen viele auf die #Inhalation. Belegt ist die Wirkung nicht. Schlimm dafür die Unfälle, die gerade bei #Kindern immer öfter passieren. Kleine Unachtsamkeiten mit kochend heissem Wasser können zu schweren #Verbrühungen führen.
#erkaltungen #inhalation #Kindern #verbruhungen
#exhalation is the #end of #inhalation. End of the year, end of a few disrespectful relationships, end of old rules, end of suffering, end of addiction, end of some people, end of the old version of me. evolution. rebirth. silence. appeasement. grace. fate. Alone at home at Christmas. is this really happening to me? real freedom came in this form and I accept my reality as I created it for myself. Thanks to everyone who supports me sincerely.
@melhathnofury @toad
btw Mel, congrats on #Novavax !! Meant to respond to your toot, but passed out:)
Do think it’s saved my a** a couple of times now. Had to commit #subterfuge to get 2 shots as I had 2 Pfizer prior, & I’m #absurdly still #cautious but these #variants are #supercharged #insane #transmissible so think it does increase my ability to take in slightly more #viral #inhalation #dose w/out #succumbing as I know the pre-sick signs well
Cannot wait for my 3rd dose…🌈 #begborrowsteal
#novavax #subterfuge #absurdly #cautious #variants #supercharged #insane #transmissible #viral #inhalation #dose #succumbing #begborrowsteal
Honest to God I wish I could print this out, #laminate it & #paste it to my front door…
But considering my spouse doesn’t even know I sport my #MicroclimateAir2 on my #nyc #subway #errands & #adventures… #definitely cannot
But I swear I would otherwise since everyone already thinks I’m #bananas 🍌💛🌈
#WinnieThePooh #Piglet #WearADamnMask #WearARespirator #CovidIsNotOver #Covid19 #SARS2 #transmission #inhalation #physics #pathways #particles
#laminate #paste #microclimateair2 #nyc #subway #errands #adventures #definitely #bananas #misanthrope #winniethepooh #piglet #WearADamnMask #weararespirator #CovidIsNotOver #covid19 #SARS2 #transmission #inhalation #physics #pathways #particles
Anne Heche`s Cause of Death Revealed, Smoke Inhalation & Burn Injuries #anne #heches #cause #death #revealed #smoke #inhalation #burn #injuries #18agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG16LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA4LzE3L2FubmUtaGVjaGUtY2F1c2UtZGVhdGgtc21va2UtaW5oYWxhdGlvbi1idXJuLWluanVyaWVzLWNyYXNoLw==
#18agosto #injuries #burn #inhalation #smoke #REVEALED #death #cause #heches #anne
#Catastrophe industrielle #Lubrizol à Rouen: quels #risques? - #GJ Sciences
Quels sont les véritables risques suite à l’ #inhalation des #retombées de fumées de l’incendie du Lubrizol à Rouen? À quelle #dose? Quelle durée d’ #exposition? Nous étudions ces questions sous le #prisme des #sciences.
#Transparence et #mesures de la qualité de l’ #air
Risques à moyen #terme
#lubrizol #sciences #transparence #mesures #air #terme #science #catastrophe #risques #gj #inhalation #retombées #dose #exposition #prisme
The #media again #ignoring the fact that #ALCOHOL is far more likely #carcinogen than #roundup/#glyphosate. That #INHALATION and #INGESTION work differently in the body. And that a #JURY or #court can NOT determine scientific #facts.
Have a pint, you beautiful people...
#media #ignoring #alcohol #carcinogen #roundup #inhalation #ingestion #jury #court #facts