Video Movie Review: IN HER NAME (2022): A Movie that will Grow on the Audience as its Story Line Develops
#FilmBook #FilmFestival #VideoMovieReview #CharlieFarrell #CieraDanielle #ElenaChernyavskaya #ErinHammond #FilmFestival #ImogeneElias #InHerName #JamesAaronOliver #JayMontalvo #JulietteBeavan #NyambiNyambi #PhilippeCaland #RaquelHorsford #SarahCarter #TribecaFilm
#filmbook #filmfestival #videomoviereview #charliefarrell #cieradanielle #elenachernyavskaya #erinhammond #imogeneelias #inhername #jamesaaronoliver #jaymontalvo #juliettebeavan #nyambinyambi #philippecaland #raquelhorsford #sarahcarter #tribecafilm
"What do you call the ashes of a girl, if not sacred?
Remember her. Remember every girl like her, who was lost to us. Every girl that prayed to a god that abandoned her.
Call your rage something holy."
Anoushka Shankar: In Her Name
#inhername #womensrights #sitar #spokenword