A trip to the #InisMór in the #AranIslands and back via the #CliffsOfMoher (film location for, amongst others, The #PrincessBride.) #PollnabPéist (site of #RedBull cliff diving) and #DúnAonghasa. Managed to avoid the rain, despite what the pics might suggest. #Ireland #Clare #Galway #CliffsOfInsanity
#cliffsofinsanity #galway #clare #ireland #dunaonghasa #redbull #pollnabpeist #princessbride #CliffsOfMoher #aranislands #inismor
Seem to have come down with a touch of the lurgy and spent the afternoon watching, the quite brilliant #BansheesOfInisherin. So it feels apt that today's #DailyPhoto should be an old one from a visit to #InisMor, looking up to the amazing #Prehistoric #HillFort of #DúnAonghasa (#DunAengus)
#ireland #galway #AranIslands #dunaengus #dunaonghasa #hillfort #prehistoric #inismor #dailyphoto #BansheesOfInisherin
And how about a selfie of @fttdennis and me in Ireland? Show us your vacation selfies! #gays #husbands #photoswap #ireland #inismor
#gays #husbands #photoswap #ireland #inismor
@fttdennis and I waited from May of 2020 until September of 2022 to take our postponed vacation. I've never looked back at pictures as much as I have from this trip. It was absolute perfection. Here's one that I'm lingering with today.
I'd love to see some photos of your favorite places, near or far from where you live. Please, share some beauty! And, remember that alt text!
#ireland #photoswap #beauty #favoriteplaces #inismor
Random #photo from #Ireland (#InisMor) #photography #irish #celtic #cross #christian #church
#photo #ireland #inismor #photography #irish #celtic #cross #christian #church
#Inismor The horse wasn't shy and walked right on over. I thought he wanted to walk with me. I left because I was afraid she was going to try to get over the fence.