Day 16 of #inkotber on the plotter!
The code pops out a new, solvable maze every time it's fun, which is probably overkill, but programmers gonna over-program.
Day 11 of #inkotber on the plotter!
Messing around with some circle fills. I couldn't make up my mind so I tried a few prints.
This one was fun because it spits out really different compositions every time I run it.
TF2 Inktober
Day 6 - The horrific (almost) rodent
(I know that rabbits ain't rodents but shhhh)
#tf2 #inkotber #inktober2020 #inktober2020day6 #scout #hare #horrificheadofhare
#horrificheadofhare #hare #scout #inktober2020Day6 #inktober2020 #inkotber #tf2