Day 18 and 19 of my trip back to inktober 2021... #InktoberRevisited
The word prompts for these 2 days were Loop and Moon
#DoctorWho #Tardis #Judoon #Moon #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #moon #judoon #tardis #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 17 revisiting inktober 2021 #InktoberRevisited
The word prompt was collide.
The World of John Wick and Dalek Sec "collide".
#DoctorWho #JohnWick #DalekSec #Dalek #DalekHybrid #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #dalekhybrid #dalek #daleksec #johnwick #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 15 and 16...revisiting inktober 2021 #InktoberRevisited
The word prompts were Helmet and Compass.
#DoctorWho #13thDoctor #Sontarans #InkDoodle #InkArt #Artist #Art #MastoArt
#mastoart #art #artist #inkart #inkdoodle #sontarans #13thdoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 13 and 14 revisiting Inktober 2021 #InktoberRevisited
Word prompts for these 2 pieces of art were roof and tick.
#mastoart #art #artist #inkart #inkdoodle #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 12...revisiting Inktober 2021 art. #InktoberRevisited
The word prompt was, Stuck.
The 3rd Doctor was never stuck for an exciting vehicle to drive at speed.
#DoctorWho #3rdDoctor #JonPertwee #InkDoodle #InkArr #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkarr #inkdoodle #jonpertwee #3rddoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 11...of revisiting Inktober 2022 art. #InktoberRevisited
The word prompt was sour.
The Doctor hit a sour note on his Recorder.
#2ndDoctor #PatrickTroughton #DoctorWho #InkArt #InkDoodle #MastoArt
#mastoart #inkdoodle #inkart #doctorwho #PatrickTroughton #2nddoctor #inktoberrevisited
Day 2 of my 2021 #InktoberRevisited daily posts.
The word prompt on this day was Suit.
#DoctorWho #10thDoctor #InkDoodle #Art #Artist #ArtDoodle #MastoArt
#mastoart #artdoodle #artist #art #inkdoodle #10thdoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Been busy with life for a few days and not had time to continue my daily posts. So, starting on a round of inktober 2021 art repost now.
The word prompt was Crystal.
"The Metebelis Crystal's glow was mesmerising."
#InktoberRevisited #DoctorWho #3rdDoctor #TheBrigadier #InkDoodle #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkdoodle #thebrigadier #3rddoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
...and was too busy to post yesterday, so here is Day 29 and 30 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited
The word prompts were shoes and ominous.
#DoctorWho #BadWolf #10thDoctor #9thDoctor #RoseTyler #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #rosetyler #9thdoctor #10thdoctor #badwolf #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 28 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts.
The word prompt was Float.
#DoctorWho #5thDoctor #Enlightenment #FloatingInSpace #SpaceHelmet #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #spacehelmet #floatinginspace #enlightenment #5thdoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 27 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts.
The word prompt was Music.
#DoctorWho #7thDoctor #DorothyAceGale #Ace #DoctorCompanion #Art #InkArt #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #inkart #art #doctorcompanion #ace #dorothyacegale #7thdoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Missed yesterday, so here are 25 and 26 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited posts.
The word prompts were Buddy and Hide.
#DoctorWho #2ndDoctor #3rdDoctor #PatrickTroughton #JonPertwee #WeepingAngel #InkDoodle #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkdoodle #weepingangel #jonpertwee #PatrickTroughton #3rddoctor #2nddoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 24 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts
The word prompt was Dig.
#DoctorWho #TheVeil #HeavenSent #12thDoctor #InkDoodle #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkdoodle #12thdoctor #heavensent #theveil #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 22 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts.
The word prompt was Chef
#DoctorWho #OswinOswald #Dalek #AsylumOfTheDaleks #souffle #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #souffle #asylumofthedaleks #dalek #oswinoswald #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 22 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts.
The word prompt was Sleep.
A doodle featuring a tired 7th Doctor.
#DoctorWho #7thDoctor #Sofa #Tardis #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #tardis #sofa #7thdoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 20 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts.
The word prompt was Coral
"TARDIS coral was the organic substance of which the Doctor's TARDIS was composed. The vessels were grown, not built."
#DoctorWho #Tardis #Coral #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #coral #tardis #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 19 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts.
The word prompt was Dizzy.
#DoctorWho #12thDoctor #Davros #Dalek #InkDoodle #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkdoodle #dalek #davros #12thdoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 18 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts
The word prompt was Trap
"According to legend, wherever the Pandorica was taken, throughout its long history, the Centurion would be there guarding it."
#DoctorWho #ThePandorica #TheLastCenturion #RoryPond #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #rorypond #thelastcenturion #thepandorica #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 17 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts.
The word prompt was Storm.
"I'm the Doctor. I'm 904 years old. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm the Oncoming Storm, the Bringer of Darkness, and you... are basically just a rabbit, aren't you?"
#DoctorWho #10thDoctor #TheDayOfTheDoctor #BunnyRabbit #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #BunnyRabbit #thedayofthedoctor #10thdoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
Day 16 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisited daily posts.
The word prompt was Rocket
Bonnie, the Zygon Clara, with a Rocket Launcher on its shoulder.
#DoctorWho #BonnieTheZygon #ClaraOswald #InkDoodle #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkdoodle #claraoswald #bonniethezygon #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited