Ok , so I had 2 full days in the office, and now I'm away for a long weekend with our caravan. I missed posting three 2021 #InktoberRevisted pieces. So here is a catchup.
Word prompts were Vessel, Knot, and Raven.
#DoctorWho #Raven #ClaraOswald #TheWarDoctor #11thDoctor #Art #Artist #Inkdoodle #InkArt #MastoArt
#mastoart #inkart #inkdoodle #artist #art #11thdoctor #thewardoctor #claraoswald #raven #doctorwho #inktoberrevisted
Day 23 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisted daily posts.
The word prompt was rip.
Vincent had a vision, and he painted the explosion that causes the rip (crack) in time.
#DoctorWho #VincentVanGogh #CrackInTime #InkDoodle #InkCartoon #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkcartoon #inkdoodle #crackintime #vincentvangogh #doctorwho #inktoberrevisted
Day 5 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisted posts. The word prompt was Blade.
#DoctorWho #12thDoctor #Spoon #RobotOfSherwood #ArtDoodle #InkDoodle #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkdoodle #artdoodle #robotofsherwood #spoon #12thdoctor #doctorwho #inktoberrevisted
Day 3 of my 2020 #InktoberRevisted daily post. The word prompt was Radio.
#DoctorWho #TheMaster #RogerDelgado #Radio #InkDoodle #InkArt #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkart #inkdoodle #radio #rogerdelgado #themaster #doctorwho #inktoberrevisted
Day 3 of my daily #InktoberRevisted posts. 31 days of ink doodles from 2019's inktober drawings.
On this day, the word prompt was "Bait".
#SeaDevil #DoctorWho #InkDoodle #PlayingCardArt #Artist #Art #MastoArt
#mastoart #art #artist #playingcardart #inkdoodle #doctorwho #seadevil #inktoberrevisted
I'm going to carry on with daily #InktoberRevisted posts. The next set is from inktobers 2019. I did a playing card sized doodle every day of that October. And here we go...
Day 1 and the word prompt was "Ring"...
#SarahJane #DoctorWho #TheHandOfFear #Inktober #InkDoodle #PlayingCardArt #Artist #Art #MastoArt
#mastoart #art #artist #playingcardart #inkdoodle #inktober #thehandoffear #doctorwho #sarahjane #inktoberrevisted
And I've reached Day 31 of my #InktoberRevisted posts, and the word prompt on this day was "Farm"
Down on the farm, a Scarecrow learns not to mess with a Time Lord.
I have a good few years of Doctor Who inktober art I could keep posting. I may just keep going 😁
#10thDoctor #DavidTennant #FamilyOfBlood #Scarecrow #Inktober #InkDoodle #Art #Artist #MastoArt
#mastoart #artist #art #inkdoodle #inktober #scarecrow #familyofblood #davidtennant #10thdoctor #inktoberrevisted
Day 24 of my #InktoberRevisted posts. Word prompt on this day was "Fairy" but instead I did something else with wings...
#DoctorWho #WeepingAngel #Inktober #InkDoodle #Art #Artist #InkArt #MastArt
#mastart #inkart #artist #art #inkdoodle #inktober #weepingangel #doctorwho #inktoberrevisted
Ok, I'm going to post up last years inktobers 1 per day. I need to try to get back in the habit of posting my art and eventually doing more art again after a couple of low mental health months.
So, inktober2022 day 1...
#InktoberRevisted #Artist #Revisiting #Inktober2022 #DoctorWho #DoctoWhoArt #MastoArt
Day 1 - Bok
#mastoart #doctowhoart #doctorwho #inktober2022 #revisiting #artist #inktoberrevisted