Esta es de esas bandas cuyas canciones reconoces al instante porque tienen su estilo y una voz particular. Este disco, además, empieza con un temazo, #InTheCrossfire, con una letra que además me representa totalmente:
I don't see myself
When I look at the flag
Thank God for that
Otros temas destacables son #InMyBlood, #KeepUsTogether o #GetOutWhileYouCan, aunque es un disco muy sólido en general.
Lo compré en un lote con dos singles anteriores a este disco: #BornAgain y #Goodsouls.
#inthecrossfire #inmyblood #keepustogether #getoutwhileyoucan #bornagain #goodsouls #starsailor #ontheoutside #eugenelo
Haven’t been to many live shows since, well, you-know-what started, but I did manage to see #Bahamas and #ShawnMendes in #yyc and both were glorious. There’s nothing like the energy of singing one of your favourite songs (badly, in my case) at the top of your lungs along with thousands of other people. #music #concert #photography #musicstreaming #LostInTheLight #InMyBlood
#inmyblood #lostinthelight #musicstreaming #Photography #concert #Music #yyc #ShawnMendes #bahamas
Haven’t been to many live shows since, well, you-know-what started, but I did manage to see #Bahamas and #ShawnMendes in #yyc and both were glorious. There’s nothing like the energy of singing one of your favourite songs (badly, in my case) at the top of your lungs along with thousands of other people. #music #concert #photography #musicstreaming #LostInTheLight #InMyBlood
#inmyblood #lostinthelight #musicstreaming #Photography #concert #Music #yyc #ShawnMendes #bahamas