#IDMastodon #Immunology a brief overview into the complex nature of the complement cascade, outlining some of their complement-independent functions, their effects at different locale, their implication in the #Innateimmune system & disease setting
#IDMastodon #immunology #innateimmune
#IDMastodon #ViralImmunology @scisignal understanding how #SarsCoV2 & other coronaviruses use proteases to evade #innateimmunity scientists discuss strides in the study of injury-sensing proteins in #Innateimmune cells
📌 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scisignal.add0082
📌 https://www.science.org/toc/signaling/16/783?utm_campaign=SciSignal&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=ownedSocial
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #SarsCoV2 #innateimmunity #innateimmune
##molecularbiology @PLOSBiology The past 20 years of research has elucidated new #Innateimmune sensing and cell death pathways with disease relevance. Future molecular characterization of these pathways and their crosstalk and functional redundancies will aid in development of therapeutic strategies.
📌 https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3002022
#molecularbiology #innateimmune
The past 20 years have revealed several new #InnateImmune sensing & #CellDeath pathways with disease relevance. @RebeccaTweedell @KannegantiLab look back at the impact of these discoveries & forwards toward their future therapeutic potential #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/40O9xxQ
#plosbiology #celldeath #innateimmune
The past 20 years have revealed several new #InnateImmune sensing & #CellDeath pathways with disease relevance. @RebeccaTweedell @KannegantiLab look back at the impact of these discoveries & forwards toward their future therapeutic potential #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/40O9xxQ
#plosbiology #celldeath #innateimmune
The past 20 years have revealed several new #InnateImmune sensing & #CellDeath pathways with disease relevance. @RebeccaTweedell @KannegantiLab look back at the impact of these discoveries & forwards toward their future therapeutic potential #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/40O9xxQ
#plosbiology #celldeath #innateimmune
#Innateimmune responses to #SarsCoV2 in infected and vaccinated individuals .There are 19 articles Original Research articles, Reviews, Mini-Reviews, Perspective articles, Opinion articles, and Commentaries around the following topics,