"One of the pleasures of reading is the discovery that books have voices. Some talk to us... Some hypnotize us ... Some insinuate ... And some are sheer entertainment ..."
As we head into tomorrow's #FullMoon 🌝, the Moon goes from #Taurus ♉ to #Gemini ♊. Also Mercury goes into Capricorn, bringing...
an opportunity for deeper #inquiry 📖
A great inquiry for this time is...
why should you let your #InnerBeauty shine! 💖
Here are 3 reasons to let your inner beauty shine...
#astrology #AstrologersofMastodon #AstroVibe #GeminiFullMoon #MercuryinCapricorn
#fullmoon #taurus #gemini #inquiry #innerbeauty #astrology #astrologersofmastodon #astrovibe #geminifullmoon #mercuryincapricorn