"Innervisions" by Stevie Wonder, released this day in 1973.
#StevieWonder #Innervisions
#Innervisions is 50 years old today https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=UvtYEdYjkJM&feature=share
Fifty years later Stevie Wonder’s “Innervisions” album remains his best ever. Some will say “Talking Book”, others “Music Of My Mind” or “Fulfillingness’ First Finale” or “Songs In The Key Of Life”—all excellent. No question it’s “Innervisions”, though.
#Innervisions #StevieWonder #BlackFriday #music #BlackMastodon #Mastodon
#Mastodon #BlackMastodon #music #blackfriday #steviewonder #innervisions
50 years ago #StevieWonder released the #landmark #Innervisions, one of the greatest albums of all time. Wonder wrote the music & played virtually all the instruments. The track He's Misstra Know-It-All was composed for Nixon, but fits #TFG to perfection. Stevie's drumming, percussion & handclaps alone make for sheer #joy.
#steviewonder #landmark #innervisions #TFG #joy #blackfriday
It's been a Stevie Wonder afternoon... and here's a little bit of info that's stayed with me since the 70s. Innervisions had just come out, and around that time Eric Clapton did an interview (with @RollingStone maybe?), and he said something like, "I'll be listening to [whatever he was working on] and thinking it sounds pretty good, and then I'll hear 'All Is Fair in Love,' and I'll feel like shit."
#StevieWonder #AllIsFairInLove
#NowPlaying #innervisions #allisfairinlove #steviewonder #ericclapton
It's been a Stevie Wonder afternoon... and here's a little bit of info that's stayed with me since the 70s. Innervisions had just come out, and around that time Eric Clapton did an interview (with @RollingStone maybe?), and he said something like, "I'll be listening to [whatever he was working on] and thinking it sounds pretty good, and then I'll hear 'All Is Fair in Love,' and I'll feel like shit."
#innervisions #allisfairinlove #steviewonder #ericclapton
Great Albums, 1970s, No. 16: #StevieWonder – #Innervisions (1973). The fulcrum of Stevie’s remarkable five-album run from 1971-76, this perfectly paced LP moved from funk exuberance (“Too High,” “Higher Ground”) and moody reflection (“Visions,” “All is Fair in Love”) to the urban drama of “Living for the City” – still-relevant on racial injustice. Playing nearly every instrument, Stevie, like Marvin Gaye before him, stretched the boundaries of R&B.
#GreatAlbums1970s, #Album, #Vinyl, #R&B, #Soul
#soul #r #vinyl #album #greatalbums1970s #innervisions #steviewonder
Commentary on the Anurag Sagar (Kabir's Ocean of Love) - Blog Entry @ Blogspot: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2022/09/commentary-on-anurag-sagar-kabirs-ocean.html
@ Substack: https://santmat.substack.com/p/commentary-on-the-anurag-sagar-kabirs
@ WordPress: https://santmatradhasoami.wordpress.com/2022/09/16/commentary-on-the-anurag-sagar-kabirs-ocean-of-love
#Kabir #Meditation #India #Satsang #Spirituality #AnuragSagar #OceanofLove #Scriptures #SpiritualClassics #SantMat #Radhasoami #SuratShabdYoga #Bhakti #ThirdEye #SeatOfTheSoul #Consciousness #God #Soul #SelfRealization #SoulTravel #Mystics #Mysticism #OOBEs #NDEs #InnerVisions
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Podcast: Why the Third Eye? Why We Begin Meditation at the Third Eye Center in Sant Mat… It’s the Seat of the Soul!
@ YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/kK-fgNF2qQ8
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Meditation And Soul Travel is Death Before Dying @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/bJpUoJY8jeo
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More About the Rule We Have in This Path of the Masters About Not Sharing With Others One’s Inner Spiritual Experiences (Inner Light, Inner Visions, Inner Sounds, Regions of Inner Space):
Article: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-rule-about-not-sharing-ones-inner.html
Podcast: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2020/02/podcast-2-13-2020-rule-about-not.html
#suratshabdyoga #thirdeye #WONDERSOFINNERSPACE #innerlightandsound #innerspace #innervisions #MYSTICALEXPERIENCES #mysticism #radhasoami #sant_mat #santmat #soultravel
The Rule About Not Sharing One's Inner Experiences in Sant Mat:
@ Blogger: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-rule-about-not-sharing-ones-inner.html
@ Radhasoami @ Live Journal:
#innerlightandsound #innerspace #innervisions #MYSTICALEXPERIENCES #mysticism #radhasoami #sant_mat #santmat #soultravel #suratshabdyoga #thirdeye #WONDERSOFINNERSPACE
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