Novo exame de DNA inocenta homem preso por estupro há 47 anos nos EUA, e caso tem desfecho
#LeonardMack #Inocente #InnocenceProject #Greenburgh #ExameDeDna #Exame #Estupro #Dna #ViNoInstagram #Mundo
#leonardmack #inocente #innocenceproject #greenburgh #examededna #exame #estupro #dna #vinoinstagram #mundo
#YusefSalaam, l'un des #centralpark5, dont l'histoire a été diffusée par Netflix avec "When They See Us", vient d'être élu conseiller municipal de Harlem.
Il a passé 7 années en prison avant d'être libéré grace à #innocenceproject Avant l'annulation en 2022 de sa condamnation, il était l'une des cibles préférées de Trump.
#yusefsalaam #centralpark5 #innocenceproject #freethemall
Note To Self: Don't voluntarily give evidence or samples to law enforcement simply because you're innocent and "have nothing to hide." 😂
A teenage boy was wrongfully convicted of #rape and spent 4 years in prison before being exonerated. After he voluntarily agreed to a blood sample collection to enable #Police do a DNA analysis because he knew he was innocent and wasn't even at the crime scene.
Turns out the #forensics lab seriously fucked up the handling of DNA samples assigned to them and gave a false match to samples from the crime scene.
#DNA Evidence is vulnerable to human errors and biases in practically every step of its handling - From collection at the crime scene, Lab handling, interpretation by the experts or even from faulty collection equipment outside the control of law enforcement.
#TrueCrime #evidence #crime #csi #investigation #innocenceproject #selfincrimination #pleadthefifth
#rape #police #forensics #dna #truecrime #evidence #crime #csi #Investigation #innocenceproject #selfincrimination #pleadthefifth
Raymond Burr was gay.
Erle Stanley Gardner didn't care.
Gardner was a lawyer originally, and founded the Court of Last Resort, first of several organizations that advocate for the wrongly convicted, which among others include The #InnocenceProject, Center on Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, and Centurion.
Enlightening/sobering article by the Innocence Project about the racist U.S. legal system:
#innocenceproject #racialbias #racialdiscrimination #racialinjustice #jimcrow #deathrow #wrongfulconvictions #policemisconduct
#innocenceproject #racialbias #racialdiscrimination #racialinjustice #jimcrow #deathrow #wrongfulconvictions #policemisconduct
It took 28 years (15 years after the proof of innocence arose) for Missouri to overturn a man’s wrongful conviction.
This is what the prosecutor wrote: “Our office defended the rule of law and worked to uphold the original verdict that a jury of Johnson’s peers deemed to be appropriate based on the facts presented at trial,” the Republican-led office said.
There is no defense of their inhumanity.
#innocenceproject #justice #wrongfulconviction
Try the #InnocenceProject. “The Innocence Project works to free the innocent, prevent wrongful convictions, and create fair, compassionate, and equitable systems of justice for everyone. Founded in 1992 by Barry C. Scheck and Peter J. Neufeld at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University, the organization is now an independent nonprofit. Our work is guided by science and grounded in anti-racism.”
@josephthomas that's nearly my entire argument against the death penalty; who is punished when the government kills an innocent person? If the answer is "nobody" then the system is hypocritical and wrong. Done.
#deathpenalty #InnocenceProject
#deathpenalty #innocenceproject
My family is truly wonderful. For Christmas, they donated to the #ExonereeNetwork in my name and got me an #InnocenceProject long sleeve.
#exonereenetwork #innocenceproject
NYPD Chief of Department Jeff Maddrey on today's blaze in Red Hook: “It’s mainly evidence.”
#nypd #mynypd #nyc #usa #rapekits #dnaevidence #dna #innocenceproject
#innocenceproject #dna #DNAevidence #rapekits #usa #nyc #mynypd #nypd
You know who should be in jail? The shitty, lazy, #corrupt #police who put two innocent men behind bars for 25 years based on a "gut feeling."
Thank you, #proof and #innocenceproject !
#innocenceproject #proof #Police #corrupt
F*ck. There are a few stories that move me more than someone who’s been #wrongly #incarcerated. I have my reasons for understanding what it feels like to be systemically #imprisioned by those with “authority” & I am so #grateful for every #InnocenceProject that fights to #exonerate those caught up in flawed systems. This is a wonderful story of #justice delayed. #CJR #freedom
#Freedom #cjr #Justice #exonerate #innocenceproject #grateful #imprisioned #Incarcerated #wrongly
It’s policing in north #Georgia. No need to make this stuff up. #innocenceproject
Once Again, A True Crime Podcast Helped Free The Wrongfully Convicted | KJ103
2 Exonerated Brothers Demand Justice in $125 Million Lawsuit | #overturnedconvictionsintheunitedstates #miscarriageofjustice #criminalprocedure #innocenceproject #chesterromatowsi #margaretmidkiff #brandongohagen #georgedejesus #williamharvey #criminallaw #wolfmueller #exoneration #law2ccrime #romatowsi #polygraph #contents #melvin #law
#overturnedconvictionsintheunitedstates #miscarriageofjustice #criminalprocedure #innocenceproject #chesterromatowsi #margaretmidkiff #brandongohagen #georgedejesus #williamharvey #criminallaw #wolfmueller #exoneration #law2ccrime #romatowsi #polygraph #contents #melvin #law
How Anthony Graves spent 16 years in solitary confinement on death row, coming within weeks of execution, for a crime he did not commit.
Read the full story:
#Innocence #InnocenceProject #WrongfulConviction #WrongfulConvictions #AbolishTheDeathPenalty #PrisonReform #DeathRow #CapitalPunishment #DeathPenalty #SystemicRacism #InstitutionalizedRacism #PrisonIsRacist
#prisonisracist #institutionalizedracism #systemicracism #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment #deathrow #prisonreform #abolishthedeathpenalty #wrongfulconvictions #wrongfulconviction #innocenceproject #innocence
From #InnocenceProject s Channel
In one minute you can save
#MelissaLucio from execution on April 27
Call #GovAbbott now and urge him to stop Melissa's execution on April 27 for a crime that never occurred: 956-446-2866 or visit
#innocenceproject #MelissaLucio #GovAbbott
From #LastWeekTonight 2days ago
And, as we mentioned in last night’s piece, #MelissaLucio is still set to be executed in 9 days, and her case had all the hallmarks of a false confession. The #InnocenceProject has done great work to try to stay her case, and others like hers.
#lastweektonight #MelissaLucio #innocenceproject