#OTD The 28th of #December is #Childermass Day or #Holy #Innocents Day - when #Innocent #Children were #Slaughtered by #King #Herod.
In #Literature, #Winter imagery is used for Herod's #Cruelty (Cold, Frost) while the children are like #Botanicals, described as the first #Seeds or the #Flowers of the #Church. The #Poet #Prudentius wrote,
All hail! You infant #Martyr flowers,
Cut off in life's first dawning hours;
Like #Rosebuds snapped in dreadful strife,
When Herod sought our #Savior's life.
#otd #December #childermass #holy #innocents #innocent #children #slaughtered #king #herod #literature #winter #cruelty #botanicals #seeds #flowers #church #poet #prudentius #martyr #rosebuds #savior
#Innocents: a què no sabíeu això? La #contaminació, només a #Madrid, col·lapsa Urgències i costa un dineral. Quant devem pagar en col·lapse sanitari a #Catalunya? Quan prioritzareu la salut en lloc de continus bums en transport fòssil, @socmartafarres@twitter.com & Co? #ZBE #Sabadell
#innocents #contaminacio #madrid #catalunya #zbe #sabadell
#Biden #murdered 13 American military folks in #Afghanistan, then followed that up by murdering another 10 #innocents, including SEVEN CHILDREN. #Biden is a #murderer. #ImpeachBiden #25thAmendment
#biden #murdered #afghanistan #innocents #murderer #impeachbiden #25thamendment