petersuber · @petersuber
4321 followers · 1084 posts · Server

International nonproprietary names () seem too rational for this world.

I'm amazed that they were launched as early as 1953 and amazed that they didn't fizzle in 1954.


#standards #notrademarks #precision #multilingual #inns

Last updated 1 year ago

Kettwachsler · @phpmacher
1072 followers · 2206 posts · Server

"Good morning in the morning!"

Ich habe den verlassen. Mein heutiger Tag beginnt in am und führt nördlich entlang des über bis ungefähr .

Ich bin sehr gespannt.

#bkr #rosenheim #inn #inns #wasserburgaminn #muhldorfaminn #partypace #chillbiking #casualc

Last updated 1 year ago

Hare is Homeless · @Hare
89 followers · 469 posts · Server

Good morning! 🌻

I hope y'all are holding up okay.

I'm trying not to get overwhelmed by how much everything costs, and the fact that my family's storage unit has been over-locked since we haven't been able to pay for it this month. Now it's $96 instead of $61.

We need to pay at least $300 of our shelter debt down today because it's back up to $1000 😟

Haven't been able to raise the $50 we need for food for our 6 fur-babies, AND our phone bill is $55. 😰

Every time I think things might be okay, my health has other plans, and we fall behind on crowdfunding which causes everything to fall apart.

I'm so tired, I'm hungry, and I just wanna be housed 😭

#chronicallyhomeless #homeless #unhoused #motels #inns #cats #EscapingAbuse #disabled #LongCovid #chronicpain #autistic #poverty #Anarchist #QueerCouple #nonbinary #crowdfunding #SurvivalFund #MutualAid

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Dal · @sarahdalgulls
150 followers · 253 posts · Server
Hannah Howe · @HannahHowe
189 followers · 268 posts · Server

During my research, I wondered what persuaded my 4 x great grandfather Richard Morgan to travel twenty miles west from Llantrisant to settle in Pyle. Then, I hit upon a theory. As an ostler, he moved there to work at Pyle Coaching Inn, the main inn on the main highway. Then, while researching the births of Richard’s children, I discovered that he was listed as a horse keeper at Pyle Coaching Inn. It’s lovely when your theories are confirmed by the facts.

#inns #history #genealogy

Last updated 2 years ago