Google's Jigsaw launched their 'Info interventions' project yesterday; a set of approaches, informed by behavioral science research, to build resilience to online harms.
On this website you can find, among other great resources, a 'Practical guide to prebunking misinformation'
#inoculationtheory #misinformation #climatemisinformation
The Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism warns of extremists using conspiracy theories to undermine trust in the democratic rule of law.
Learning to recognize the traits of conspiratorial thinking makes people more resilient to this kind of misinformation. You can learn more about it in 'The Conspiracy Theory Handbook', by Stephan Lewandowsky & John Cook
#inoculationtheory #misinformation
Mijn blog over inoculatietheorie voor
Misinformatie is besmettelijk, verspreidt zich razendsnel, muteert moeiteloos én blijft gemakkelijk hangen. Door mensen bloot te stellen aan een verzwakte vorm van misinformatie, kunnen ze cognitieve antilichamen opbouwen en weerbaarder worden tegen misleiding.
#climate #misinformation #climatedenial #inoculationtheory