I have tested the given URL with #Feedly and with #Inoreader on Android. Both tools display the feed correctly. At least Feedly also runs in the browser and should therefore work platform-independently.
Hey, heads up to anyone who was subscribed to @tedium via #Inoreader: All your subscriptions hard-bounced the other night and you were removed from the list.
Please sign up again or use the RSS feed, which is the same content: https://feed.tedium.co
menej politiky = pre mňa lepšie
ja osobne mám svoj jasný názor na Slovenskú politiku a nechcem sa tu rozptylovať 1000x preberanými témami, pre prehľad správ používam #Inoreader #justsaying
As predicted, I added a new item on my #todo list before finished one, BUT I have almost finished the current one so that's fine
With this, a user will be able to add notes (in #markdown of course) on an article he reads. A feature I found on #inoreader and even I never used it myself, it may prove useful and it's pretty cheap to implement.
#todo #markdown #inoreader #rss #rust #rustlang #api #devdiary #harss
@ivan @alex Собсно, вот то, что в #Inoreader работает бесплатно, а в #Feedly при нажатии кнопочки будет просить $$
I must say that the API for Inoreader is not pleasant to use, the documentation is lacking and it will give you error-codes making you question your sanity.
Just chased down a bug (that didn't exist) due to the particular reply I got from the API (missing AppId). Turns out I had forgotten to urlencode an argument for a partcular parameter. I was not missing AppId at all...
Allez, c'est reparti pour les prises de tête (parce que je sais que ça ne va pas me plaire d'ici quelques jours, incapable je suis à rester sur un service), mais j'ai quand même envie de retenter FreshRSS sur mon #homeserver (avec FieryFeeds sur iOS) au lieu de mettre 10 balles dans #inoreader
#homeserver #inoreader #changement
Any #inoreader users on the fediverse? Do you like it? It looks like a souped-up RSS reader, but a fair number of people are using it to access my blog, so I was wondering if it would be fun to check out. https://www.inoreader.com
Does anyone use (or has previously) any of #Inoreader, #Newsblur, or #Feedbin and have any opinions about them to share with me? As I slowly try to reorganize and reorient how I do things I feel like I want start using a good rss reader for organization and keeping on top of things.
#inoreader #newsblur #feedbin #rss
#Feedly und #Inoreader sind nun mit denselben Quellen bestückt. Ich werde mir jetzt in Ruhe ansehen, welcher der beiden mir in Bedienung und Komfort besser gefällt oder ob beide durchfallen und ich die Feeds doch lokal integriere.
Überlegung: Ich habe lokal auf PC & Notebook ein #RSS-Feed eingerichtet, was zwar zu Doppelungen führt, aber nicht tragisch ist. Vielleicht sollte ich mir bei #Feedly oder #Inoreader einen zweiten anlegen und den dann entsprechend befüllen? Nein, den lokalen möchte ich nicht ausbauen. Beide Anbieter hatte ich schon in der Mache, kann mich aber nicht erinnern, welcher der bessere/angenehmere/übersichtlichere ist. Muss ich wohl noch mal bei beiden ein Konto erstellen.
As part of the whole "return to 2010 internet" thing the world is doing, I've been convinced to give #RSS feeds another go and picked up #inoreader
So! I'm starting from scratch but have made a big list of #GameDev feeds that I've found so far and posted it on Lemmy 'cos it's way too long for here (see first post in thread).
Any suggestions for things to add to my reading list would be very welcome! Blog, video, podcast, we're in the "throw feeds at the wall and see what sticks" stage here 😄
Slowly my #Reddit #RSS feeds have been correcting themselves. Still a few that aren’t working but I’m going to assume it’s a glitch rather than intentional? Could also be an issue with #inoreader as I’ve seen some reporting zero issues with theirs
@Alexis I have tried many/maybe even all of them and have landed on #Reeder You can couple this with a service (such as #Feedly or #Inoreader) or use as a stand-alone and use iCloud sync between devices.
Le format #atom a célébré ses 20 ans récemment : https://www.rssboard.org/news/213/atom-feed-format-born-20-years-ago
Pour info, le flux RSS représente encore ma principale source de veille. C'est teeeeellement pratique. J'utilise #inoreader depuis des années. Pratique, surtout sur téléphone.
Für alle #neuhier :
Ihr habt #Twitter vielleicht auch als Nachrichtenquelle genutzt und #Tagesschau, #FAZ und Ähnliches abonniert. Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass #RSS immer noch funktioniert. Mit RSS könnt ihr die Website eurer Wahl direkt abonnieren. Gibt es einen neuen Artikel, erscheint dieser in eurem RSS-Reader. Reader gibt es für alle gängigen Systeme. Außerdem gibt es Clouddienste wie #inoreader oder #feedly, mit denen man die RSS-Feeds über mehrere Geräte hinweg synchronisiert.
#neuhier #twitter #tagesschau #faz #rss #inoreader #feedly
#Twitter が壊れた件でRSSなんてキーワードを散見するとは思わなかった。
取得エラーが多かったので #Inoreader へ乗り換えた口だが、世間ではまだまだ #Feedly らしい。それとも機能改善したのだろうか。
I wrote a bit about switching from Tiny Tiny RSS to Inoreader, a move that needed to happen for a variety of reasons but got moved up in light of Reddit shitting the bed and having me looking for alternatives to consuming content on the web. https://blog.timowens.io/trading-tt-rss-for-inoreader/ #rss #inoreader
@galroth @hen #Inoreader has their own client. I've been using #theoldreader for many, many years, but had a brief affair with Inoreader meanwhile; it was ok.