#inotherwords They Were Digging Oil and Gas. Now – Tranches on the beaches. Russian evolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FR2NhST3A4 source/editor : UATV English
#inotherwords They Were Digging Oil and Gas. Now – Tranches on the beaches. Russian evolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FR2NhST3A4 source/editor : UATV English
#inotherwords They Were Digging Oil and Gas. Now – Tranches on the beaches. Russian evolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FR2NhST3A4 source/editor : UATV English
#InOtherWords social media IS the disease, Twitter and TikTok are just symptoms…
#Twitter #tikTok #DeliverUsFromEvil
TikTok, Twitter fare only slightly better than fringe platforms favored by far right in Wiesenthal Center study of social media (Chicago Tribune)
#inotherwords #Twitter #tiktok #deliverusfromevil