Hoe de bloei van "pure #wiskunde" een vlucht krijgt door de opkomst van #democratie, #retorica en de #pathos van argumentatie. Om over de #logos te zwijgen. Tot die tijd ging het vooral over het praktische meten van oppervlakten, hoogte van gebouwen, en bijhouden van de goudvoorraad,
Net deze #podcast geluisterd, over één van de belangrijkste werken in de wiskunde: Euclides' Elementen. Ik heb zelf een prachtige editie in de kast staan (en gelezen).
https://podcastaddict.com/in-our-time/episode/66862051 #InOurTime #filosofie
#wiskunde #democratie #retorica #pathos #logos #podcast #inourtime #filosofie
How a #Vulcano eruption in Southeast Asia leads to thousands dead locally in fire whirlwinds, hunger in Europe (but not the UK), some of the best #Romantic #literature (Dracula, Frankenstein, Byron's poetry), (possibly) the rise of #AntiSlavery in the US and the start of the #Opium trade in #China.
Talk about #ChaosTheory. #ButterflyWing
"1816, the Year Without a Summer" #inOurTime
https://podcastaddict.com/in-our-time/episode/66918150 via @PodcastAddict
#vulcano #romantic #literature #antislavery #opium #china #chaostheory #butterflywing #inourtime
Ida Lupino and Paul Henreid greet each other while Mary Boland looks on — a scene from “In Our Time” (1944)
#hollywood #inourtime #idalupino #paulhenreid
@intransitivelie did England deforest Scotland as a tactic? I thought that the Romans reported the lands north of the wall as heavily forested. I also thought I'd read somewhere that efforts to reforest Scotch valleys were ongoing and successful.
US here so I'm mostly ignorant of British history outside of 140 or so episodes of #InOurTime and an interest in the Roman Empire and its fall.
@dangillmor @BBCRD @BBC5Live @BBCRadio4 @BBCTaster @Connected_Studio @BBC_News_Labs
"This toot is supported by advertising outside the UK"
Is @MelvynBragg coming along for the ride?
I listened to this episode of #InOurTime and was struck by one of the participants' suggestion that life on earth probably began on Mars before finding its way across the gulf of space to what is now our planet. #WeAreTheMartians
810 miles yesterday, 700 today and 600 gets us home Sunday afternoon! That's a long drive but that's a LOT of podcasts! Yay #InOurTime and #HistoryOfTheCrusades
#inourtime #historyofthecrusades
This #InOurTime with Harold Bloom and Jacqueline Rose tearing strips off each other is hilarious
@megschwamb Congratulations! I'm on the US side of academics, is Senior Lecturer equivalent to our Full Professor (eg terminal promotion, the maximum you can get)?
Also I listen to #InOurTime and I love the diversity of academic titles in the UK!
If there’s a more interesting podcast than the #BBC #InOurTime, I don’t know it. It’s guaranteed to make you feel smarter.
I'm enjoying this episode of the #InOurTime #podcast about the Battle of Crécy.
19th-Century London’s Extreme Wealth And Poverty, Mapped [Charles Booth's mapping]
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-04/charles-booth-s-london-poverty-maps-revisited <-- shared article
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000wsxf <-- wonderful BBC podcast, #InOurTime
https://booth.lse.ac.uk/ <-- interactive website of Charles Booth’s London, London School Of Economics
[alongside John Snow’s famous “GIS” maps of disease mapping (specifically cholera in PWS in London in the 1850s), these 1890s and 1900s maps from Charles Booth were some of the defining ones of the history of spatial analyses]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #history #poverty #spatialanalyses # #people #research #london #UK #food #publichealth #publicsafety #demographics #CharlesBooth #maps #abjectpoverty #lowincome #gischat #CityLab #MapLab #historicmaps #historyfacts #demography #demographic #economics #income #poor #poorpeople #qualityoflife #LSE
#inourtime #gis #spatial #mapping #history #poverty #spatialanalyses #people #research #london #uk #Food #publichealth #publicsafety #demographics #charlesbooth #Maps #abjectpoverty #lowincome #gischat #citylab #maplab #historicmaps #historyfacts #Demography #demographic #economics #income #poor #poorpeople #QualityOfLife #lse
Interesting. #BBC #inOurTime does an episode on the poet Stevie Smith. Don't know much about her, but what they tell has a number of instances of gender bending, and non confirmism in it. But it's not discussed at all.
Today on #InOurTime we'll be discussing #CasperTheFriendlyGhost. With us are William T Conqueror, lecturer in ghostly studies at Cambridge Community College. Fox Mulder, reader in extraterrestrial analytics at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington DC and Chlamydia Jones, poster at #SomethingAwfull dot com.
William: Casper The Friendly Ghost, what do we know about his origins?
Frankly Melvyn not a damn thing, why do you ask?
#inourtime #casperthefriendlyghost #somethingawfull
@matoakit @Velux @mekkaokereke @KatSteelwing I just listened to the #InOurTime podcast about America from when #BillClinton was president, it's amazing. So very, very wrong about the next decade or two. Whew. Worth the listen though!
Just listened to a brilliant piece on #BehavioralEcology. #BBC4 #InOurTime #GameTheory #NicoTinbergen
Best quote: "I'm an expert in #MatingStrategy, which really means my whole point is making sex uninteresting. And I'm very good at it. To be fair, I think the first part of sexual reproduction is really the boring part."
#behavioralecology #bbc4 #inourtime #gametheory #nicotinbergen #matingstrategy
Ida Lupino and Paul Henreid in “In Our Time” (Warners, 1944), a romance set in Poland on the brink of World War Two
#ClassicFilm #IdaLupino #PaulHenreid #InOurTime #RomanticDramas
#classicfilm #idalupino #paulhenreid #inourtime #romanticdramas