#CIA’s Venture Capital #INQTel Partners With #TrustLab
Trust Lab, founded by a former #Google exec for content #moderation, will identify “online harmful content, including toxicity and #misinformation.” to "safeguard" the #internet
https://bit.ly/3B49liP #surveillance #privacy
#privacy #surveillance #Internet #misinformation #moderation #google #trustlab #inqtel #cia
Activists Target Target’s Cop Collaboration https://unicornriot.ninja/2021/activists-target-targets-cop-collaboration/ #Police #Racism #Tech #adnan_ahmed #CIA #concerned_shipt_shoppers #Downtown_100 #dr_aren_aizura #dt100 #east_lake_st #george_floyd #gp_jacob #inqtel #jim_crown #jxta #kulture_klub #MInneapolis #money_power_land_solidarity_podcast #Palantir #safecity #safezone #Surveillance #target #target_corporation #target_corporation
#police #racism #tech #adnan_ahmed #cia #concerned_shipt_shoppers #Downtown_100 #dr_aren_aizura #dt100 #east_lake_st #George_Floyd #gp_jacob #inqtel #jim_crown #jxta #kulture_klub #minneapolis #money_power_land_solidarity_podcast #palantir #safecity #safezone #surveillance #target #target_corporation
The dark origins of the machines used by the 3rd reich to tabulate genocide...
Venture Capital today is not much different in origin or (lack of ethics)...
Charles Ranlett Flint - Wikipedia
In soviet amerika, you no use Gmail, Gmail / alphabet use YOU ')
"Palantir lives the realities of its customers: the NSA, the FBI and the CIA--an early investor through its In-Q-Tel venture fund--along with an alphabet soup of other U.S."
#Sauron #SaudiRoyalFamily #eternalWar #inqtel
#tolkien #gollum #orcs #palantir #infosecfail #opsec #techilluminati
#sauron #saudiroyalfamily #eternalwar #inqtel #tolkien #gollum #orcs #palantir #infosecfail #opsec #techilluminati