This is definitely a subtoot, but I just saw a comment from an INQUA attendee that the Rome heatwave had changed their outlook on climate change (I assume in regards to the crisis level, not about whether it exists or now). Lucky them, to not live in a country where climate change hits you over the head every few years.
If you are suffering some #INQUAROMA2023 FOMO, the good news is the plenaries are being live-streamed. Very enjoyable presentation from Prof. Hai Cheng on speleothem chronologies and quaternary climate change.
#paleoclimate #palaeoclimate #chronology #Quaternary #inquaroma2023
An enjoyable afternoon spent reading and reviewing abstracts for our session at #INQUARoma2023. So impressed with the quality of the submissions, and feeling some major #FOMO about not heading to Rome!
Abstract deadline is coming 01.11.22 for #InquaRoma2023! Submit a talk for session 46 - covering all things biomarkers, #isotopes Pleistocene #archaeology, #climate & habitat variability, and more!
#climate #archaeology #isotopes #inquaroma2023