Some papers touching on the #Peirce-#Dewey background for #InquiryBasedLearning —
Interpretation as Action • The Risk of Inquiry
Some thoughts on the role of “intelligent computing systems … in the reintegration of discovery and learning within the inquiry process.”
An Architecture for Inquiry • Building Computer Platforms for Discovery
#inquirybasedlearning #dewey #Peirce
First class done! 180 in person and ~30 on zoom.
I'm teaching a first course in Linear Algebra to first-year students. We are doing IBL, focusing on equity, masking side of class and encouraging norms for both good masking and inclusive language.
The course has 6 lecture sections, 24 tutorials/recitations, 6 instructors, 17 TAs, and 1000+ students.
Yes, we can!
#iblmath #inquirybasedlearning #MathEd
For Citizen Nation my students will write & publish short web essays on relevant topics - check out previous ones here:
#citizenship #civilrights #votingrights #constitutionallaw #immigration #policy #history #inquirybasedlearning #histodons
#citizenship #civilrights #votingrights #constitutionallaw #immigration #policy #history #inquirybasedlearning #histodons