Logic Syllabus • 5
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/logic-syllabus/
Related Articles
• https://oeis.org/wiki/Logic_Syllabus#Related_articles
Cactus Language • https://oeis.org/wiki/Cactus_Language_%E2%80%A2_Overview
Futures Of Logical Graphs • https://oeis.org/wiki/Futures_Of_Logical_Graphs
Differential Propositional Calculus • https://oeis.org/wiki/Differential_Propositional_Calculus_%E2%80%A2_Overview
Differential Logic • https://oeis.org/wiki/Differential_Logic_%E2%80%A2_Overview
Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems • https://oeis.org/wiki/Differential_Logic_and_Dynamic_Systems_%E2%80%A2_Overview
Propositions As Types Analogy • https://oeis.org/wiki/Propositions_As_Types_Analogy
Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems • https://oeis.org/wiki/Propositional_Equation_Reasoning_Systems
Prospects for Inquiry Driven Systems • https://oeis.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey/Prospects_for_Inquiry_Driven_Systems
Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems • https://oeis.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Inquiry_Driven_Systems
Inquiry Driven Systems • Inquiry Into Inquiry • https://oeis.org/wiki/Inquiry_Driven_Systems_%E2%80%A2_Overview
#Logic #LogicSyllabus #CactusLanguage #LogicalGraphs #DifferentialLogic
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Logic Syllabus • 5
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/logic-syllabus/
Related Articles
• https://oeis.org/wiki/Logic_Syllabus#Related_articles
Cactus Language • https://oeis.org/wiki/Cactus_Language_%E2%80%A2_Overview
Futures Of Logical Graphs • https://oeis.org/wiki/Futures_Of_Logical_Graphs
Differential Propositional Calculus • https://oeis.org/wiki/Differential_Propositional_Calculus_%E2%80%A2_Overview
Differential Logic • https://oeis.org/wiki/Differential_Logic_%E2%80%A2_Overview
Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems • https://oeis.org/wiki/Differential_Logic_and_Dynamic_Systems_%E2%80%A2_Overview
Propositions As Types Analogy • https://oeis.org/wiki/Propositions_As_Types_Analogy
Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems • https://oeis.org/wiki/Propositional_Equation_Reasoning_Systems
Prospects for Inquiry Driven Systems • https://oeis.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey/Prospects_for_Inquiry_Driven_Systems
Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems • https://oeis.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Inquiry_Driven_Systems
Inquiry Driven Systems • Inquiry Into Inquiry • https://oeis.org/wiki/Inquiry_Driven_Systems_%E2%80%A2_Overview
#Logic #LogicSyllabus #CactusLanguage #LogicalGraphs #DifferentialLogic
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Inquiry Into Inquiry • On Initiative 5
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/05/22/inquiry-into-inquiry-on-initiative-5/
Re: Inquiry Into Inquiry • On Initiative 2
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/07/20/inquiry-into-inquiry-on-initiative-2/
Re: Mathstodon • Joeri Sebrechts
• https://mathstodon.xyz/@joeri_s@mstdn.social/110401673746671834
❝That's not how it works. The model lacks agency. It is a machine whose gears are cranked by the user's prompt. It can ask questions, but only when prompted to. It is not doing anything at all when it isn't being prompted.❞
Sure, I understand that. The hedge “as it were” is used advisedly for the sake of the argument. (I wrote my own language learner back in the 80s.)
Speaking less metaphorically, the program and its database are always in their respective states and the program has the capacity to act on the database even when not engaged with external prompts.
Is there any reason why the program's “housekeeping” functions should not include one to measure its current state of “uncertainty” (entropy of a distribution) with regard to potential questions — or any reason why it should “hurt to ask”?
As it were …
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #InquiryIntoInquiry
#ScottAaronson #AI #ChatGPT #GPT #LLM #LargeLanguageModels
#largelanguagemodels #llm #gpt #chatgpt #ai #scottaaronson #inquiryintoinquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiry #Peirce
Inquiry Into Inquiry • On Initiative 4
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/05/15/inquiry-into-inquiry-on-initiative-4/
Re: Terry Tao • PCAST Working Group on Generative AI Invites Public Input
• https://terrytao.wordpress.com/2023/05/13/pcast-working-group-on-generative-ai-invites-public-input/
I think a lot of people who've been working all along on AI, intelligent systems, and computational extensions of human capacities in general are a little distressed to see the field cornered and re‑branded in the short‑sighted, market‑driven way we currently see.
The more fundamental problem I see here is the failure to grasp the nature of the task at hand, and this I attribute not to a program but to its developers.
Journalism, Research, and Scholarship are not matters of generating probable responses to prompts or other stimuli. What matters is producing evidentiary and logical supports for statements. That is the task requirement the developers of recent LLM‑Bots are failing to grasp.
There is nothing new about that failure. There is a long history of attempts to account for intelligence and indeed the workings of scientific inquiry based on the principles of associationism, behaviorism, connectionism, and theories of that order. But the relationship of empirical evidence, logical inference, and scientific information is more complex and intricate than is dreamt of in those reductive philosophies.
#Peirce #Logic #Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #InquiryIntoInquiry
#TerryTao #PCAST #AI #IntelligentSystems #LLM #LargeLanguageModels
#largelanguagemodels #llm #IntelligentSystems #ai #pcast #TerryTao #inquiryintoinquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiry #logic #Peirce
Inquiry Into Inquiry • On Initiative 3
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/05/01/inquiry-into-inquiry-on-initiative-3/
Re: Scott Aaronson • Should GPT Exist?
• https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=7042
My Comment —
• https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=7042#comment-1946961
The more fundamental problem I see here is the failure to grasp the nature of the task at hand, and this I attribute not to a program but to its developers.
Journalism, Research, and Scholarship are not matters of generating probable responses to prompts or other stimuli. What matters is producing evidentiary and logical supports for statements. That is the task requirement the developers of recent LLM‑Bots are failing to grasp.
There is nothing new about that failure. There is a long history of attempts to account for intelligence and indeed the workings of scientific inquiry based on the principles of associationism, behaviorism, connectionism, and theories of that order. But the relationship of empirical evidence, logical inference, and scientific information is more complex and intricate than is dreamt of in those reductive philosophies.
Note. The above comment was originally posted on March 1st but appears to have been deleted accidentally.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #InquiryIntoInquiry
#ScottAaronson #AI #ChatGPT #GPT #LLM #LargeLanguageModels
#largelanguagemodels #llm #gpt #chatgpt #ai #scottaaronson #inquiryintoinquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiry #Peirce
Inquiry Into Inquiry • On Initiative 2
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/07/20/inquiry-into-inquiry-on-initiative-2/
Re: Scott Aaronson
• https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=6524
• https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=6534
• https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=6541
❝Personally, I'd give neither of them [Bohr or Einstein] perfect marks, in part because they not only both missed Bell's Theorem, but failed even to ask the requisite question (namely: what empirically verifiable tasks can Alice and Bob use entanglement to do, that they couldn't have done without entanglement?). But I'd give both of them very high marks for, y'know, still being Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr.❞
To Ask The Requisite Question —
• https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=6541#comment-1940887
This brings me to the question I was going to ask on the AI post, but was afraid to ask.
Does GPT‑3 ever ask an original question on its own?
Simply asking for clarification of an interlocutor's prompt is not insignificant but I'm really interested in something more spontaneous and “self‑starting” than that. Does it ever wake up one morning, as it were, and find itself in a “state of question”, a state of doubt or uncertainty so compelling as to bring it to ask on its own initiative what we might recognize as a novel question?
Resources —
Survey of Inquiry Driven Systems
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/04/23/survey-of-inquiry-driven-systems-5/
Survey of Theme One Program
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/03/30/survey-of-theme-one-program-5/
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #InquiryIntoInquiry
#ScottAaronson #AI #ChatGPT #GPT #LLM #LargeLanguageModels
#largelanguagemodels #llm #gpt #chatgpt #ai #scottaaronson #inquiryintoinquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiry #Peirce
Inquiry Into Inquiry • On Initiative 4
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/05/15/inquiry-into-inquiry-on-initiative-4/
Re: Terry Tao • PCAST Working Group on Generative AI Invites Public Input
• https://terrytao.wordpress.com/2023/05/13/pcast-working-group-on-generative-ai-invites-public-input/
I think a lot of people who've been working all along on AI, intelligent systems, and computational extensions of human capacities in general are a little distressed to see the field cornered and re‑branded in the short‑sighted, market‑driven way we currently see.
The more fundamental problem I see here is the failure to grasp the nature of the task at hand, and this I attribute not to a program but to its developers.
Journalism, Research, and Scholarship are not matters of generating probable responses to prompts or other stimuli. What matters is producing evidentiary and logical supports for statements. That is the task requirement the developers of recent LLM‑Bots are failing to grasp.
There is nothing new about that failure. There is a long history of attempts to account for intelligence and indeed the workings of scientific inquiry based on the principles of associationism, behaviorism, connectionism, and theories of that order. But the relationship of empirical evidence, logical inference, and scientific information is more complex and intricate than is dreamt of in those reductive philosophies.
#Peirce #Logic #Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #InquiryIntoInquiry
#TerryTao #PCAST #AI #IntelligentSystems #LLM #LargeLanguageModels
#largelanguagemodels #llm #IntelligentSystems #ai #pcast #TerryTao #inquiryintoinquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiry #logic #Peirce
Here's the beginning of a prospective blog series I started … this topic interacts strongly with a host of others I've been struggling to articulate over the years …
Inquiry Into Inquiry • Discussion 6
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/04/30/inquiry-into-inquiry-discussion-6/
Re: Nicole Rust
• https://mathstodon.xyz/@NicoleCRust@neuromatch.social/110197230713039748
❝Computations or Processes —
How do you think about the building blocks of the brain?❞
I keep coming back to this thread about levels, along with others on the related issue of paradigms, as those have long been major questions for me. I am trying to clarify my current understanding for a blog post. It will start out a bit like this —
A certain amount of “level” language is natural in the sciences but “level” metaphors come with hidden assumptions about higher and lower places in hierarchies which don't always fit the case at hand. In complex cases what look at first like parallel strata may in time be better comprehended as intersecting domains or mutually recursive and entangled orders of being. When that happens we can guard against misleading imagery by speaking of domains or realms instead of levels.
To be continued …
#Peirce #Logic #LogicalGraphs #DifferentialLogic #CactusLanguage
#Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystem #InquiryIntoInquiry #NeuralNetwork
#Semiotics #RelationTheory #SignRelation #TriadicRelation #Model
#ObjectiveReality #MathematicalStructure #SymbolicRepresentation
#symbolicrepresentation #mathematicalstructure #objectivereality #model #triadicrelation #signrelation #RelationTheory #semiotics #neuralnetwork #inquiryintoinquiry #inquirydrivensystem #inquiry #CactusLanguage #DifferentialLogic #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce
Inquiry Into Inquiry • Discussion 6
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/04/30/inquiry-into-inquiry-discussion-6/
Re: Nicole Rust
• https://mathstodon.xyz/@NicoleCRust@neuromatch.social/110197230713039748
❝Computations or Processes — How do you think about the building blocks of the brain?❞
I keep coming back to this thread about levels, along with others on the related issue of paradigms, as those have long been major questions for me. I am trying to clarify my current understanding for a blog post. It will start out a bit like this —
A certain amount of “level” language is natural in the sciences but “level” metaphors come with hidden assumptions about higher and lower places in hierarchies which don't always fit the case at hand. In complex cases what look at first like parallel strata may in time be better comprehended as intersecting domains or mutually recursive and entangled orders of being. When that happens we can guard against misleading imagery by speaking of domains or realms instead of levels.
To be continued …
#Peirce #Logic #LogicalGraphs #DifferentialLogic #CactusLanguage
#Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystem #InquiryIntoInquiry #NeuralNetwork
#Semiotics #RelationTheory #SignRelation #TriadicRelation #Model
#ObjectiveReality #MathematicalStructure #SymbolicRepresentation
#symbolicrepresentation #mathematicalstructure #objectivereality #model #triadicrelation #signrelation #RelationTheory #semiotics #neuralnetwork #inquiryintoinquiry #inquirydrivensystem #inquiry #CactusLanguage #DifferentialLogic #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce
I had some years ago given my long-running study of #InquiryDrivenSystems the subtitle #InquiryIntoInquiry by way of suggesting Scientific Method Self-Applied, somewhat in the vein of Reflective Practitioners and analogous to Second Order Cybernetics. I later discovered Dewey had scooped me on that coinage for pretty much the same purpose.
#inquiryintoinquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive #Inquiry 10
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/02/05/in-the-way-of-inquiry-objections-to-reflexive-inquiry-2/
Second, the interruptive character or escapist interpretation of inquiry is especially significant when contemplating programs of inquiry with recursive definitions, as the motivating case of inquiry into inquiry. It means the termination criterion for an inquiry subprocess is whatever allows continuation of the calling process.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#InquiryIntoInquiry #Recursion #Reflection
#reflection #recursion #inquiryintoinquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #Peirce #inquiry
In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive Inquiry 8
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/02/05/in-the-way-of-inquiry-objections-to-reflexive-inquiry-2/
First, it means genuine inquiry does not touch on the inciting action at points of total doubt or absolute certainty. An incident of inquiry does not begin or end in absolute totalities but only in the differential and relative measures which actually occasion its departures and resolutions.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Actuality #Contingency #Indeterminacy #Uncertainty
#uncertainty #indeterminacy #contingency #actuality #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce
In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive Inquiry 7
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/02/05/in-the-way-of-inquiry-objections-to-reflexive-inquiry-2/
An episode of inquiry bears the stamp of an interlude — it begins and ends “in medias res” with respect to actions and circumstances neither fixed nor fully known. As easy as it may be to overlook the contingent character of the inquiry process it's just as essential to observe a couple of its consequences —
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Contingency #Indeterminacy #Uncertainty
#uncertainty #indeterminacy #contingency #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce
In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive Inquiry 6
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/02/05/in-the-way-of-inquiry-objections-to-reflexive-inquiry-2/
The inquirer is faced in the object of inquiry with an obstinately oppositional state of affairs, a character marked by the Greek word “pragma” for “object”, whose manifold of senses and derivatives includes among its connotations the ideas of purposeful objectives and problematic objections, and not too incidentally both inquiries and expositions.
#InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce
In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive Inquiry 5
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/02/05/in-the-way-of-inquiry-objections-to-reflexive-inquiry-2/
Our agent of inquiry is brought to the threshold of two questions:
• What actions are available to achieve the aims of the present activity?
• What assumptions already accepted are advisable to amend or abandon?
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Activity #Aim #Assumption #Advice #Amendment #Abandonment
#Interruption #Obstruction #Reconstruction #Reconstitution
#reconstitution #reconstruction #obstruction #interruption #abandonment #amendment #advice #assumption #aim #activity #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce
In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive Inquiry 4
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/02/05/in-the-way-of-inquiry-objections-to-reflexive-inquiry-2/
The next order of inquiry requires agents to articulate the assumptions embodied in previous inquiries, to consider their practical effects in light of their objective intents, and to reconstruct forms of conduct which formerly proceeded through their paces untroubled by any articulate concern.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Interruption #Obstruction #Reflection #SelfApplication
#selfapplication #reflection #obstruction #interruption #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce
In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive Inquiry 3
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/02/05/in-the-way-of-inquiry-objections-to-reflexive-inquiry-2/
At such moments agents need the ability to pause and reflect, to acknowledge the higher order of uncertainty obstructing the current investigation, to accept the interruption of the initial inquiry, to examine accepted conventions and prior convictions regarding the conduct of inquiry in general.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Interruption #Obstruction #Reflection #SelfApplication
#selfapplication #reflection #obstruction #interruption #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce
In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive Inquiry 2
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/02/05/in-the-way-of-inquiry-objections-to-reflexive-inquiry-2/
If this interruptive aspect of inquiry applies at the level of self-application then occasions for inquiry into inquiry arise when an ongoing inquiry into any subject becomes obstructed and agents are obliged to initiate a new order of inquiry in order to overcome the obstacle.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Interruption #Obstruction #Reflection #SelfApplication
#selfapplication #reflection #obstruction #interruption #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce
In the Way of Inquiry • Objections to Reflexive Inquiry 1
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/02/05/in-the-way-of-inquiry-objections-to-reflexive-inquiry-2/
Inquiry begins when an automatic routine or normal course of activity is interrupted and agents are thrown into doubt concerning what is best to do next and what is really true of their situation.
#Peirce #Inquiry #InquiryIntoInquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Anomaly #Doubt #Discrepancy #Dispersion #Entropy #Uncertainty
#Interruption #Obstruction #Information #Comprehension #Extension
#extension #comprehension #information #obstruction #interruption #uncertainty #entropy #dispersion #discrepancy #doubt #anomaly #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce
working ...
#InquiryDrivenSystems • #InquiryIntoInquiry
• https://oeis.org/wiki/Inquiry_Driven_Systems_%E2%80%A2_Overview
#inquiryintoinquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems