The #catpest is capable of remembering that suitcases mean that someone is going to be away for a while, but not that the person has been and already come back again.
#InRelatedNews, he has been sitting in my suitcase while I unpack it, with a haunted expression on his face.
I've just worked out why Schrödinger used a cat for his analogy.
It's because the cat wanted to be both inside and outside of the box at the same time, because OF COURSE it did, it was a cat.
#InRelatedNews, I have just let the #catpest out into the garden and back in again 15 seconds later.
#inrelatednews #catpest #catsofmastodon #catstodon #cats
Have accidentally done nearly an hour's ironing this morning. Finished it, too.
#InRelatedNews, it raineth.
While my back was turned, the intermittent drizzle we've had all afternoon turned into MONSOON conditions.
#InRelatedNews, the #catpest is now a #SoggyMoggy and he is Not Best Pleased about this.
Have given him an absorbent cotton mat to sit on and a handful of kibble.
#inrelatednews #catpest #soggymoggy
I may have mentioned that I have a friend coming to stay. #InRelatedNews, I've cleaned until I'm a wreck and the place is still a shitpit, still have to make a start on the sitting room, and the #catpest is having a breakdown because I've deviated entirely from his normal routine.
I've just seen the weather forecast for the next week, and it's not pretty. #InRelatedNews, I remembered that I have a waterproof, windproof, thickly wadded, fleece-lined winter coat that I haven't needed for a couple of years. Its hour has come. #Nithered
The #CatPest has been in all day and I've been out. #InRelatedNews, boy am I glad I bought him disposable litter trays. 💩