#RPGADay2023 27) Game you'd like a new EDITION of...
New editions are often a double-edged sword, not always succeeding in satisfying both existing fans and new ones. (i.E. #DnD4, #SR6)
I would like to see diversity promoted and more English translations of international titles. (i.E. #Symbaroum, #INS/#MV, #Blutlust)
Accordingly, I would be happy to see the following translations:
#InNomineSatanis / #MagnaVeritas
#Symbaroum with sensibly revised rules would also be great.
#rpgaday2023 #dnd4 #sr6 #symbaroum #ins #blutlust #cops #bloodlust #InNomineSatanis #magnaveritas
@gee Et enfin, le plus important.
> Faites des *pu##ins* de prix au kilomètre, au trajet, ce que vous voulez
Pourquoi vous n'achetez pas la carte liberté ? Elle fait exactement ça. Elle vous fixera les prix pour 400 € / an, rendant les conditions de commande, d'échange et de remboursement ultra flexibles.
400 €, c'est le prix que donne la SNCF pour se sortir des prix dynamiques, et c'est probablement au moins ce que paieraient les gens en plus s'ils généraliseraient ça.
Que tristeza las ficciones paranoicas que se arma esta gente en #CostaRica.
Si bien la comunicación del #INS en torno al tema ha sido bastante pobre, han mencionado suficientes detalles como para poder determinar qué quieren hacer y qué sería posible.
Leyendo el cartel de compra es claro que quieren usar RFID de alta frecuencia. Solo ahí ya hay límites respecto a la distancia a la que se pueden leer los datos: realistamente 10 metros*.
The #Defence Ministry has signed a ₹2,725-crore contract with Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL), #Mumbai, for the Medium Refit with Life Certification (MRLC) of the HDW-class submarine #INS Shankush which will extend its life, writes @dperi84
https://trib.al/0HLLm6T #press
Sous vide equilibrium brined pork chops (bagged with a cup of water and 2% salt by total weight, 140F for a few hours, then sprinkled with fines herbes and seared in olive oil), with parboiled roasted potatoes (started in cold salted water, then speasoned, tossed with oil, and roasted at 450F for about 30 minutes), and sautéed spring onions and snap peas. Served with homemade canned corn relish and instant pot applesauce. #dinner #cooking #sousvide #ins...
#dinner #cooking #sousvide #ins
The indigenously developed TAPAS 201 UAV has achieved a major milestone as the DRDO and the Indian Navy have successfully demonstrated transferring of command and control capabilities of the UAV from a distant ground station to onboard #INS Subhadra.
https://trib.al/SGsGici #press
The Indian Navy's MH-60 Romeo helicopter successfully landed for the first time on the indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, making it another significant milestone.
#Navy #Anti-SubmarineChopperLands #INS
gt1723 – NEWS – Der Maik-Monat
Endlich eine neue #GeekTalk Episode. Wie der eine oder die andere eventuell mitbekommen hat, lag ich wieder mal komplett flach. Zweimal durfte ich mit Angina das Bett teilen, doch langsam geht es wieder aufwärts. In zwei Wochen geht es dann wieder
#News #Podcast #@achimh #@pokipsie #App #AppleApps #AppleMusic #AppleTV #Bio #Computer #Cybertruck #Deutschland #E-Bike #EyeEm #iMessage #Insolvenzantrag #Ins
#geektalk #news #podcast #app #appleapps #applemusic #appletv #bio #computer #cybertruck #deutschland #e #eyeem #imessage #insolvenzantrag #ins
📊#INS În luna februarie s-au născut 11.316 copii și au decedat 20.188 de persoane. Peste jumătate dintre decese au fost provocate de boli ale aparatului circulator.
Trottoir vs. Crottoir, aide de jeu #ins #mv #jdr
17-04-2019, une aide de jeu #ins #mv #jdr
Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for ends up being behind the gun. #stonerssocial #ins#inspirationquote
Happiness tip: Don't be bothered by anyone who thinks they know more about you than you do. #stonerssocial #imfelixfrimpong #ins#insta
#stonerssocial #imfelixfrimpong #ins
Création de personnage rapide pour #ins #mv
Great to know that there is an eraser function. I was already wondering what these cursors were doing, I should have read the manual 😅 Excited to do some NeRF cleaning ;)
RT @ko_tavy
✏Can we talk about the NeRF eraser that NVIDIA quietly slipped into their VR release?
To use it, just click down on the thumbstick of your controller. Then save back to the .ingp!
Thanks to @nakano_muramoto for calling this feature out.
Pouvoir spécial matriciel, aide de jeu #ins #mv #jdr
📊#INS publică noi date ale recensământului: Fenomenul de îmbătrânire s-a accentuat, iar vârsta medie a populației a crescut cu 1,6 ani din 2011. #Teleorman și #CarașSeverin au pierdut în zece ani peste 100 de mii de locuitori.
#teleorman #carașseverin #news #știri #romania #ins
La prochaine campagne pour INS sortira cet été 2023 chez Raise Dead Éditions ! Souhaitant que ce soit celle excellente qu'on a betâ testé avec la Team Flan ! :O
Source: https://nurthor.fr/2023/01/24/la-prochaine-campagne-pour-ins-sortira-cet-ete-2023/
#Actualités #Ahnon...c’estlavraievie #Cinema/série/film #JeudeRôle #Nouveautés #Ambiance #Info #INS/MV #Inspiration #Onyajoué #Ressources
#actualites #ahnon #cinema #jeuderole #nouveautes #ambiance #info #ins #inspiration #onyajoue #ressources
#nowspinning Twlight Force - At the Heart of Wintervale
I'm such a sucker for power metal.
#vinyl #twilightforce
#powermetal #music #ilovediscogs #discogs #nowplaying #vinyladay #truevinylcollection #vinylgram #vinylrecords #vinyljunkie #vinyligclub #ins… https://instagr.am/p/CnpSx4YJS6C/
#NowSpinning #vinyl #twilightforce #powermetal #music #ilovediscogs #discogs #nowplaying #vinyladay #truevinylcollection #vinylgram #vinylrecords #vinyljunkie #vinyligclub #ins