#covid #mask #masks #pandemic #plandemic #culture #clownworld #npc #politics #insanity
it’s pretty sad that a kid is potentially dead because of some dumb ass marketing executive’s fucking stupid ideas.
I think I might be insane. I keep going to the Nether and every time I go, I think that maybe this time I won't get killed, but I always do.
This comment about trump and the harm he and his cult have done to our country is one of the best I've ever read.
Perfectly stated.
#poison #GrandJury #chaos #violence #hysteria #criminal #hitler #mussolini #stalin #mao #putin #trump #sinister #madman #insanity
#iamdb #Fascism #cult #insanity #MadMan #sinister #Trump #Putin #mao #stalin #mussolini #hitler #Criminal #hysteria #violence #Chaos #grandjury #poison
You guys you know we don’t have to live like this . Our kids should be studying on a beautiful campus expanding their minds, challenging teachers, learning new skills instead of being traumatized and terrorized because we’ve chosen to make the gun lobby and its enablers sacred .
Did the founders envision this madness?
#UNC #guns #NRA #gop #insanity #schoolshooting
#UNC #guns #nra #gop #insanity #schoolshooting
Maybe we’re living in an alternate universe after all.
It’s only in such a place that a former US president would be endorsed by an Eastern European dictator in a video interview conducted by a fired former talking head of a bogus right wing TV network.
As John Belushi said in Animal House, “Start drinking heavily”.
You do realize that when or if Donald Trump is sentenced to prison, American Evangelicals will branch off from Christianity and begin overtly worshiping him?
In a few hundred years our great, great, great grandchildren will be fighting to keep "In Trump We Trust" off the dollar, and young adults wearing white shirts and ties will be going door to door spreading the good news of MAGA.
#atheism #evangelical #religion #insanity
Mike Lindell Has A ‘Plan’ To Stop ‘The Evil,’ Fix Elections, And Help You Save On Bedding
by Hunter Walker, TPM
#magicalThinking #insanity #crackfriedbrain
@MeineKehrseite #Bebauungsplan #FestesFundament #Flurnutzung #NoFunAllowed #Katasteramt #Finanzamt #Insanity
Ja, okay, ist nicht mehr lustig...
(oder doch?)
#insanity #finanzamt #katasteramt #nofunallowed #flurnutzung #festesfundament #bebauungsplan
From dumb to dangerous #collapse #insanity #dangerouse
#collapse #insanity #dangerouse
Techies: 'Fraid not. You're trying to #have your #cake, and #eat it too.
#Canadian #Legacy #Media: We don't get it. How do you eat your cake if you don't have it?
Techies: You didn't take any history classes, did you?
CML: Why would we need those?
Techies: Anyways... as long as C-18 is in effect, you won't get any traffic or exposure.
CML: That sucks! Fix it!
Techies: I give up.
#idiocy #insanity #WebTax #LinkTax #C18 #Canada #DinosaurMedia
#have #cake #eat #canadian #legacy #media #idiocy #insanity #webtax #linktax #c18 #canada #dinosaurmedia
If someone from another country asked me for ONE example of the #Insanity rational #Democrats are fighting on the Right and why our country is such a mess, I'd probably point them to this video: 😞 🤬 #GunControlNow #JR15 https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/illinois-fights-gun-lobby-to-ban-marketing-guns-to-little-kids-190317637765
#insanity #Democrats #guncontrolnow #jr15
Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
⬆ #Quotes #FriedrichNietzsche #Insanity #Politics
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Pictographs #RockArt #DefianceHouse #LakePowell #Utah
#quotes #friedrichnietzsche #insanity #politics #photography #panorama #pictographs #rockart #defiancehouse #lakepowell #utah
I've been trying to create an #AI that will drive me insane, but so far it's only telling me that I will only be fictionally loved by fictional waifus because I'm so unlikable, and that life has no meaning because there's no god.
There are TONS of insane people in the world, and those two ways are the only ones through which to drive people insane? I refuse to believe it. The AI clearly needs some improvement.
We #remember Uvalde. We remember countless examples of wasted tax money given to policing, lives destroyed. We remember that no one *is* their job title. An officer can quit and do something positive instead.
Yet another recent example of bizarre police incompetence and deadly force, this one from New Mexico: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8REXWRN/
#remember #insanity #government #nm #police #Uvalde
Stop blaming "the fossil fuel industry" and "capitalism" for your consumption of fossil fuels. The fossil fuel industry is not burning the gasoline in the tank of your car, YOU ARE. Take responsibility for your choices. #environment #climate #politics #economics #stupidity #idiocy #insanity
#environment #climate #politics #economics #stupidity #idiocy #insanity
@danwentzel It astounds me that the side she represents finds it reprehensible to care for their fellow citizen. Who builds a platform solely on being against improving the conditions for citizens? #Insanity