The GOAT Farm · @thegoatfarm
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Natural Insect Repellent Spray Bundle (Set of 3) includes one of each of our three Natural Insect Repellent Sprays: Take A Hike, Life's A Picnic, and Out of the Woods in either 8 oz., 4 oz., or 2 oz. sizes.

All of our Natural Insect Repellent Sprays have no harmful, toxic ingredients found in many commercial bug repellents that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin. Instead of using carcinogenic ingredients, we use only skin-nourishing essential oils and ingredients that repel insects, moisturize the skin, and soothes and heals insect bites in case you forget to apply insect repellent; and all are alcohol-free.

Natural Insect Repellent Spray Bundle (Set of 3):

#moisturizing #alcholfree #Essentialoils #bugspray #mosquitorepellent #insectrepellentspray #safe #nontoxic #insectrepellent #skincare #brighteon #paralleleconomy

Last updated 1 year ago