I'm going to send all my interests, ideas and dreams to #dotCons so they can artificially generate content for me, scraped and stolen from real people using the clearnet
This is how most humans turn into insects.
#dotcons #insectualisation #insectualizarion #metamorphosis
A year ago, the first half of this episode didn't quite make sense to us.
But listen to it now - you might cry. 😢
Privacy is a Rare Moon Bear:
#moonBear #endangeredSpecies #environment #ecology #dmz #maxKeiser #stacyHerbert #isolation #facebook #encryption #nym #i2p #everApp #militarisedZone #insectualisation #insectualization #5G #humanity #safety #feudalism #northKorea #southKorea #tor #privacy
#moonBear #endangeredspecies #environment #ecology #dmz #MaxKeiser #StacyHerbert #isolation #facebook #encryption #nym #i2p #everApp #militarisedZone #insectualisation #insectualization #5g #humanity #safety #feudalism #northkorea #southkorea #tor #privacy