#InsideOurAutisticMinds "Ethan explains ... his hypersensitivity to noise"
This was a lot. Like, it was a genuine struggle for me to listen to.
RT @ChrisGPackham
A follow up message from one of our film-makers Anton #InsideOurAutisticMinds
Part 126: Coming And Going
In this week's blog, some thoughts on episode 2 of Inside Our Autistic Minds, coming out as autistic, and some good news from me.
You can read it here: https://darrenscothern.com/2023/02/26/part-126-coming-and-going/
#autism #actuallyautistic #insideourautisticminds
Just catching up on #InsideOurAutisticMinds & just overwhelmed by this superb piece of television. I hope it shows how #Autism isn’t something that comes in nice organised boxes & that #masking is totally exhausting
#masking #autism #insideourautisticminds
A very interesting pair of programmes, and particularly eye-opening with respect to the variety in autistic behaviours that people experience. I know for us it'll be something we'll be more conscious about when meeting people now.
#Autism #chrispackham #insideourautisticminds
A reminder for UK viewers (and those with access to the BBC outside) that the second part of #InsideOurAutisticMinds will be on BBC2 in the next five or so minutes. First part, if you didn't watch it, was emotional and wonderfully educational.
#Autism #chrispackham #insideourautisticminds
Alvast een #Kijktip voor morgen : 22:00 #ChrisPackham #InsideOurAutisticMinds deel 2 #BBC2. #Autisme #Autism
#kijktip #chrispackham #insideourautisticminds #bbc2 #autisme #autism
Just finished watching episode 1 of #InsideOurAutisticMinds. As a non/self diagnosed father of a diagnosed daughter with autism, it was very moving, very powerful. Great to see neurodivergent voices (some non-vocal) on screen. Please give it a watch, it’s on th’iPlayers. #RichardWatchesTheTelly
#insideourautisticminds #richardwatchesthetelly
Watched #InsideOurAutisticMinds.
I related to Flo so bloody hard.
I don’t often cry at things I watch but her film made me cry. I wish I could #unmask in front of my Mum. I’m only just barely learning to unmask in front of my husband.
#insideourautisticminds #unmask
Just watching #InsideOurAutisticMinds. She cannot be herself to her mother, be unmasked.
I am mildly autistic, and totally get that. I spent a lot of my younger years masking all the time.
I am not usually a fan of Chris Packham - but he brings a level of authenticity here. Well done that man.
Inside Our Autistic Minds, Series 1: Episode 1: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0bbnjvx
My only observation would be choice of words - "people with autism" over "autistic people" would be my preference. Words matter.
#bbc #insideourautisticminds #chrispackham
#InsideOurAutisticMinds #ChrisPackham Brilliant programme about #autism was on #bbc2 tonight. Try to watch on iplayer. Another episode on next Tuesday at 9pm. It is one of very few TV programmes I can recommend.
#bbc2 #Autism #chrispackham #insideourautisticminds
Lovely programme on BBC2 right now, and worth a catch-up on the iPlayer if you can. #InsideOurAutisticMinds presented by #ChrisPackham, meeting with #autistic people to produce short films about their life on the #autism spectrum. Sensitively-handled and an eye-opener to people like me who could never truly know what it's like.
#Autism #autistic #chrispackham #insideourautisticminds