I had no idea they were making an Inside Out 2. You know, the easiest way around this is Riley isn't digusted but a lot of things anymore so that 'emotion' isn't one of the top 5 emotions now. There, fixed. #insideout #insideout2 #Disney
#insideout #insideout2 #disney
Inside Out 2: Pixar annuncia il sequel in arrivo nel 2024 #11Settembre #Cinema #News #ProssimeUscite #insideout #insideout2 #insideoutsequel https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2lha2NsdWIuaXQvMjAyMi8wOS8xMC9pbnNpZGUtb3V0LTItcGl4YXItYW5udW5jaWEtc2VxdWVsLTIwMjQvP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9cnNzJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09cnNzJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj1pbnNpZGUtb3V0LTItcGl4YXItYW5udW5jaWEtc2VxdWVsLTIwMjQ=.html
#insideoutsequel #insideout2 #insideout #Prossimeuscite #news #cinema #11settembre