Sharon Coulton Stoliar · @sharonstoliar
10 followers · 1 posts · Server

Last weekend I spoke at the ACM Protecting Normal Birth Physiology conference in Geelong, Victoria about the topic of midwives’ birth choices and outcomes.
Drawing on published findings from my national survey of Midwives in Australia, I asked the question: how do midwives get the birth they want?

Unsurprisingly, my research found that the majority of midwives wanted to have a normal vaginal birth with a known care provider under a continuity of midwifery care model. 66% had normal vaginal births, 16.3% had an instrumental birth, and 16.8% had caesarean births. As you are probably aware, these stats are vastly different from the general population.

Over 85% of midwives got the model of care that they wanted, and 45% had continuity of midwifery care. 11.2% had a homebirth compared to 25% who wanted a homebirth.
With regards to the care provider, over three quarters (75.4%) of midwives were cared for by the care provider of their choosing, whether that be a midwife friend, colleague or an obstetrician.
So what is it about midwives that they end up having higher normal vaginal birth rates than the general population?

#midwives #midwifery #midwifemothers #normalvaginalbirth #childbirth #insiderknowledge #autonomy #birth #birthingmothers #informedchoice

Last updated 2 years ago

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