@HardBeingGreen @BlahBlah Yes, I agree! It was a pretty good panel this morning & #NoelPearson was excellent! Such a great speaker. #insiders
I had grand plans for the morning, but ended up sitting on the couch, watching #Insiders and ABC News, getting depressed about the state of the world and eating chips...
Moderate Liberals as powerless as the Labor Left
Sadly we'd be a lot better off if both groups were more powerful
Honestly, we had a great interview with Noel Pearson and now they are still just banging on about planes...
Move on!
Noel Pearson talks about unrequited love...asking us to take the hand of Indigenous people, held out in love and hope.
Vote Yes
Noel Perarson is kicking David Speers' butt...good!
Do we want more and cheaper flights?
Our should we all be considering less flights and making them less affordable to save our environment?
This is not a criticism of travellers, but more a philosophical question given circumstances of the world...
Report: Former FTX Co-Chief Ryan Salame Contemplates Guilty Plea - According to insiders who reached out to Bloomberg, there are intriguing developme... - https://news.bitcoin.com/report-former-ftx-co-chief-ryan-salame-contemplates-guilty-plea/ #metropolitandetentioncenter #legaldevelopments #potentialwitness #sambankman-fried #criminalcharges #fifthamendment #shiftingstance #incarceration #pleaagreement #guiltyplea #ryansalame #bloomberg #legalteam #insiders #custody #trial #news #ftx
#ftx #news #trial #custody #insiders #legalteam #bloomberg #ryansalame #guiltyplea #pleaagreement #incarceration #shiftingstance #fifthamendment #criminalcharges #sambankman #potentialwitness #legaldevelopments #metropolitandetentioncenter
Not surprised to hear from Dan that some Indigenous people are bowing out of the debate to protect themselves
I was talking to gay colleague on Friday who said how awful the same sex marriage plebiscite was
It must be terrible for those unwillingly caught in the middle of these things ☹️
No Karen Middleton, the coalition and the Greens are not working together. #insiders
Super on parental leave is Labor policy, it's alarming if it takes the Greens to force them to implement it
What a ridiculous situation
Hopefully Joyce going will be the change Qantas needs to turn things around
It's reputation is in the gutter
In the end it's up to us to make the right choices when it comes to choosing the businesses we deal with. If a business is exploiting its workers, choose another
Gig economy is a mess, it's exploitative but I don't think the genie can be put back in the bottle
Hopefully these reforms help the workers get a better deal
Award simplification would be a good thing. Some further standardisation would make a lot of sense
I hope Labor goes hard on the IR reforms, time to give workers more power
Senate will be interesting though, who gets them over the line? Lambie or David Pocock?