TV TONIGHT (September 5)
#RHOSLC #MyBigFatFabLife #WelcomeToPlathville #InsideTheNFL #HardKnocks #OneShot #SecretsOfPenthouse #USOpen #MLB #AGT #BeatShazam #WWENXT #LHHATL #LifeBelowZero #Ahsoka #Chopped #DeadliestCatch #CrimesGoneViral #GoodBones
#goodbones #crimesgoneviral #deadliestcatch #Chopped #ahsoka #lifebelowzero #LHHATL #WWENXT #beatshazam #AGT #mlb #USOpen #secretsofpenthouse #oneshot #hardknocks #insidethenfl #welcometoplathville #mybigfatfablife #RHOSLC
Pittsburgh Pop podcast: @TimBenzPGH and I talk what's next after the sale of @ATTSportsNetPIT + @EMokay_OnAir gets morning newscast assignment + #InsideTheNFL + #Ahsoka via @TribLIVE
TV Talk: Former @Steelers player to host #InsideTheNFL on @TheCW + @KDKA adds another newscast on Ch. 19 + filmed-in-Pittsburgh #Rustin to debut at @TellurideFilm + #TheGreat canceled, via @TribLIVE
#thegreat #Rustin #insidethenfl
The CW Reveals Premiere Dates for #EveryoneElseBurns #FBoyIsland #FoolUs #InsideTheNFL #MastersOfIllusion #TheSpencerSisters #SullivansCrossing #TheSwarm and #WhoseLineIsItAnyway #CW #TheCW
#thecw #CW #whoselineisitanyway #theswarm #sullivanscrossing #thespencersisters #mastersofillusion #insidethenfl #foolus #FBoyIsland #everyoneelseburns
As #Nexstar continues it reshaping of #TheCW, the network has secured the rights to the long-running #InsideTheNFL, which debuted on #HBO in 1977 and ran for 31 seasons, moved to #Showtime in 2008 and then to #ParamountPlus for the past two seasons, marking the show's first time on a traditional broadcast network. The show will debut September 5 at 8:00 PM and will run through the NFL season, which will also trigger some changes to the announced Fall schedule TBA.
#nexstar #thecw #insidethenfl #hbo #showtime #paramountplus
TV TONIGHT (February 14)
#PlanetSex #PerfectMatch #InLoveAllOverAgain #Trolley #LoveTripParis #HeartbreakIsland #InsideTheNFL #Physical100 #TheRookie #FBICBS #FindingYourRoots #Chopped #911LoneStar #LaBrea #CurseOfOakIsland #FixerToFabulous #IAmJazz
#iamjazz #fixertofabulous #curseofoakisland #labrea #911LoneStar #Chopped #FindingYourRoots #FBIcbs #therookie #physical100 #insidethenfl #heartbreakisland #lovetripparis #trolley #inlovealloveragain #perfectmatch #planetsex