Gizmodo: New Analysis of 1970s Moonquakes Reveals an Unexpected Origin #extravehicularactivity #technologyinternet #planetaryscience #lunarseismology #geologyofmars #lunarscience #lunarlander #allenhusker #environment #seismology #apollo17 #insight #quake #moon
#extravehicularactivity #technologyinternet #planetaryscience #lunarseismology #geologyofmars #lunarscience #lunarlander #allenhusker #environment #seismology #apollo17 #insight #quake #moon
NASA's Oxygen-Generating Experiment Moxie Completes Mars Mission
#ycombinator #Mars #missions #NASA #rover #Curiosity #Opportunity #InSight #Mars_Reconnaissance_Orbiter #facts
#ycombinator #mars #missions #nasa #rover #curiosity #opportunity #insight #mars_reconnaissance_orbiter #facts
Semi-related to last toot - I'm not generally an enormous fan of Vox but this overview of meditative stuff is really very good, meshes closely with my thoughts on the subject:
#meditation #mbsr #insight #practice #mindfulness
Voor persoonlijke groei en zelfkennis: Een snelle samenvatting van het identiteitsboom model in een kleine illustratie.
#personalgrowth #awareness #lovingkindness
#insightmeditation #respect #change #spirituality #trust #identity #insight #notetoself
#personalgrowth #awareness #lovingkindness #insightmeditation #respect #change #spirituality #trust #identity #insight #notetoself
Using data from InSight, scientists discover that Mars is rotating faster
In December 2022, NASA lost contact with its Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and… The post Using data from InSight, scientists discover that Mars is rotating faster appeared first on .
#Featured #Mars #Other #Science #Deep_Space_Network #DSN #Elysium_Planitia #Insight #Lander #Martian #NASA #planetary_science #RISE
#featured #mars #other #science #deep_space_network #dsn #elysium_planitia #insight #lander #martian #nasa #planetary_science #rise
The Vanishing Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Category - A few years ago, DLP was a hot security buzzword and a relevant single offering. Now, it’... #insight
Mars keeps spinning faster every year, NASA InSight data says - Enlarge / A self portrait of InSight's hardware on the red planet. (cre... - #planetaryscience #science #insight #mars
#mars #insight #science #planetaryscience
Ars Technica: Mars keeps spinning faster every year, NASA InSight data says #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #planetaryscience #Science #Insight #Mars
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #planetaryscience #science #insight #mars
How poor cybersecurity policies disrupt business continuity - As the world moves increasingly online, risk management professionals and business owners... #insight
Lessons From the 2023 National Risk Register Report - Cybersecurity is a matter of national and international security and should be prioritise... #uncategorized #insight
Tuesday Ratings | THE VOICE AUSTRALIA and RFDS lead the way for Seven
#Dateline #Insight #KitchenCabinet #RFDS #TheBlock #TheCheapSeats #TheHundredwithAndyLee #TheTraitorsAustralia #TheVoiceAustralia #TVratingsAU
#dateline #insight #kitchencabinet #rfds #theblock #thecheapseats #thehundredwithandylee #thetraitorsaustralia #thevoiceaustralia #tvratingsau
SBS’s INSIGHT: Understanding When to Hold On and When to Let Go
Mars is spinning faster each year, according to a new study by NASA’s InSight mission. The red planet’s rotation rate varies by up to 10 milliseconds per day, depending on the season and the weather. This means that Mars’ day length changes by about 40 minutes every year. #Mars #InSight #SpinCycle
Re Tutto ciò grazie al supporto di @CaritasItaliana, ai nostri partner @FDBnelmondo di #Leopoli e #Insight e al supporto di tante persone che hanno donato per sostenere #MedCare4Ukraine.Aiutaci a continuare ad aiutare la popolazione civile, dona ora 👇
#Leopoli #insight #MEDCare4Ukraine
Understanding Changes in the OWASP API Security Top 10 List - The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), a non-profit foundation devoted to we... #insight
History’s Greatest Insider Threats - One of the most difficult problems for security professionals to grapple with is defendin... #insight
Gizmodo: NASA's InSight Detects Shorter Martian Days With Steadily Increasing Spin #rotationandinteriorstructureexperiment #sebastienlemaistre #technologyinternet #geologyofmars #environment #lebastien #marsquake #insight #phobos #mars
#rotationandinteriorstructureexperiment #sebastienlemaistre #technologyinternet #geologyofmars #environment #lebastien #marsquake #insight #phobos #mars
Today's poem:
- by Wallace Gould
#poetry #sarcophagus #eternity #moment #person #death #WallaceGould #museum #visitor #encounter #insight
#poetry #sarcophagus #eternity #moment #person #death #wallacegould #museum #visitor #encounter #insight
A moment that changed me: my teacher went totally off script – and opened a door for my life to flow through #teaching #teachershopeforthismoment #insight
#teaching #teachershopeforthismoment #insight