#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS
Name: #INSIGNIA #MMSI: #538001663
Callsign: #V7DM2 Type: #Passenger
#Flag: #Marshall_Islands Msgs recvd: 342
Seen on: 03-Aug-2023 10:19:21 EDT
Status: #under_way_using_engine
Speed: 6.7 kts Heading: 302 deg Destination: US_NYC_US_BOS
Signal #RSSI: -7.0 dBFS
Vessel location:
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #insignia #mmsi #v7dm2 #passenger #flag #marshall_islands #under_way_using_engine #rssi #kx1t
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS #NEW #FIRST Observation
Name: #INSIGNIA #MMSI: #538001663
Callsign: #V7DM2 Type: #Passenger
#Flag: #Marshall_Islands Msgs recvd: 25
Seen on: 03-Aug-2023 09:23:04 EDT
Status: #under_way_using_engine
Speed: 9.5 kts Heading: 300 deg Destination: US_NYC_US_BOS
Signal #RSSI: -33.5 dBFS
Vessel location:
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #new #first #insignia #mmsi #v7dm2 #passenger #flag #marshall_islands #under_way_using_engine #rssi #kx1t
#Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:tgchecks: :verifiedreject: :verifiedrgb1: :verifiedrgb2: :verifiedrgb3: :verifiedroot: :verifiedska: :verifiedskull1: :verifiedskull2: :verifiedsonicteam: :verifiedstroke: :verifiedyellow:
#Telegram #PalomitasdeTelegram #DoblePalomitasdeTelegram #DoblePalomitas #RGB #LucesRGB #Root #Ska #Calavera #Sonic #SonicTeam #Insignia #Insignias #Verificación #Verificado #InsigniadeVerificación #InsigniasdeVerificación #InsigniaVerificada #InsigniasVerificadas
#insigniasverificadas #insigniaverificada #insigniasdeverificacion #insigniadeverificacion #Verificado #verificacion #insignias #insignia #sonicteam #sonic #calavera #ska #root #lucesrgb #rgb #doblepalomitas #doblepalomitasdetelegram #palomitasdetelegram #telegram #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
#Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:tgchecks: :verifiedreject: :verifiedrgb1: :verifiedrgb2: :verifiedrgb3: :verifiedroot: :verifiedska: :verifiedskull1: :verifiedskull2: :verifiedsonicteam: :verifiedstroke: :verifiedyellow:
#Insignia #Insignias #Verificación #Verificado #InsigniadeVerificación #InsigniasdeVerificación #InsigniaVerificada #InsigniasVerificadas
#insigniasverificadas #insigniaverificada #insigniasdeverificacion #insigniadeverificacion #Verificado #verificacion #insignias #insignia #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
#Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:verifiedowl: :verifiedp1: :verifiedp2: :verifiedp3: :verifiedpaw: :verifiedpaws: :verifiedpikachu: :verifiedpink: :verifiedpudding: :verifiedwhite:
#Insignia #Insignias #Verificación #Verificado #InsigniadeVerificación #InsigniasdeVerificación #InsigniaVerificada #InsigniasVerificadas #Búho #Púrpura #Violeta #Lila #Garra #Garras #Huella #Huellas #Pikachu #Pokémon #Pokemon #Rosa #Budín #Pudín #Blanco
#blanco #pudin #budin #rosa #pokemon #pikachu #huellas #huella #garras #garra #lila #violeta #purpura #buho #insigniasverificadas #insigniaverificada #insigniasdeverificacion #insigniadeverificacion #Verificado #verificacion #insignias #insignia #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
↑ #Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:verifiedclover: :verifiedcoconut: :verifiedcoffee: :verifiedcursed: :verifiedduck: :verifiedgold: :verifiedgreen: :verifiedlewd: :verifiedmoon: :verifiedneonblue:
#Insignia #Insignias #Verificación #Verificado #InsigniadeVerificación #InsigniasdeVerificación #InsigniaVerificada #InsigniasVerificadas #Trébol #Coco #Café #Maldito #Hechizado #Envenenado #Pato #Oro #Verde #Vulgar #Luna #Neón
#neon #luna #vulgar #verde #oro #pato #envenenado #hechizado #maldito #cafe #coco #trebol #insigniasverificadas #insigniaverificada #insigniasdeverificacion #insigniadeverificacion #Verificado #verificacion #insignias #insignia #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
↨ #Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:verified0: :verified1: :verified2: :verified3: :verified4: :verified5: :verified6: :verified_cool_not: :verifiedautism: :verifiedavocado: :verifiedbike: :verifiedboya: :verifiedc64: :verifiedcat1: :verifiedcat2:
#Insignia #Insignias #Verificación #Verificado #InsigniadeVerificación #InsigniasdeVerificación #InsigniaVerificada #InsigniasVerificadas #Autista #Autistas #Autismo #Palta #Bicicleta #Bicicletas #Cocodrilo #Yacaré #Commodore64 #Gato #Gatos
#gatos #gato #commodore64 #yacare #cocodrilo #bicicletas #bicicleta #palta #autismo #autistas #autista #insigniasverificadas #insigniaverificada #insigniasdeverificacion #insigniadeverificacion #Verificado #verificacion #insignias #insignia #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
Some Warhammer40k-inspired insignia for one of my backers on Patreon!
#MastoArt #CreativeToots #Art #SFW #Warhammer #40k #Insignia #Dragon #Furry
#mastoart #creativetoots #art #sfw #warhammer #40k #insignia #dragon #furry
§ #Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:aboriginal: :boostplease: :fx: :jaguar: :legoblue: :legogreen: :legoorange: :legopink: :legoyellow: :lion: :nvred: :ohno: :paws: :pelican: :tb:
#Aborigen #Aborígenes #Adherir #Adhesión #Adhesiones #Firefox #MozillaFirefox #Jaguar #Lego #LadrilloLego #LadrillosLego #León #NoVerificado #Verificado #Insignia #Insignias #OhNo #Garras #Pelícano #Thunderbird #MozillaThunderbird
#MozillaThunderbird #thunderbird #pelicano #garras #ohno #insignias #insignia #Verificado #noverificado #leon #ladrilloslego #ladrillolego #lego #jaguar #mozillafirefox #Firefox #adhesiones #adhesion #adherir #aborigenes #aborigen #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
"Teapot with armorial decoration (part of a service)" 1760–70
Artist: James Giles
Dept: European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
Classification: Ceramics-Porcelain-Export
Credit: Helena Woolworth McCann Collection, Gift of Winfield Foundation, 1951
Medium: Hard-paste porcelain with enamel decoration and gilding
#museumbot #metmuseum #animals #insignia
#museumbot #metmuseum #animals #insignia
RT @realKilovoltage
Also thanks to everyone who tuned in today. There is a lot to digest. Very good discussion including @RadLockio #insignia, #soulbound tokens, #DAO, the #RNS foundation , XRD Domains, #Radix grants, tokenomics and trust scores, #Rust #Scrypto, #kucoin @radixdlt $xrd.
#insignia #soulbound #dao #RnS #radix #rust #scrypto #KuCoin
Planned to go to the spa today, but my body made other arrangements so instead I went to the Museum of Flight and caught the Walt Disney WWII exhibit, combining #aviation and #art, two of my favorite things. I especially loved the amazing insignia designed for various groups during the war by Disney artists. #seattle #disney #museumofflight #flight #wwii #mastoart #insignia
#aviation #art #seattle #disney #museumofflight #flight #wwii #MastoArt #insignia
Do you miss playing Xbox Live on the 'original' Xbox?
Well then make sure you follow @insignia to view the games they are adding on a regular basis that supports their free service, allowing you to again play these games online. This is a new service so there is still plenty to be added, but it's been great fun so far.
More information can be found here...
Midtown Madness 3 anyone? 🚓 🚘
#xboxlive #retrogaming #retroconsoles #xbox #insignia
Been messing with Insignia a little bit, this new Original Xbox Live replacement service. I'm loving it.
I haven't actually played any online games yet, but I have played a bit of the Arcade Library. Been loving Orbz more than I thought I would.
I will absolutely dominate the Zuma and Bejeweled leaderboards lol
I might try a round of Mechassault. Seems like a fun one to try out.
Game & Gadget Podcast #23 - Writing for Games, Xbox Live with Insignia & More...
@jameswoodcock is joined by @SInce who is an artist, game designer and writer working on games from Revolution Software such as Broken Sword and @Zwilnik previously from Argonaut Games and now with Shifty Eye Games as we discuss more gaming, gadgets and technology.
#podcast #retrogaming #technology #gaming #xboxlive #insignia
#insignia #xboxlive #Gaming #Technology #retrogaming #Podcast
I didn't realize just difficult it is to find decent flash drives under 1GB until I went searching online for one to use to #softmod my OG #Xbox for online play. I rolled the dice on a pack of five that people in the Amazon reviews had mixed success with. I do have a bit of trepidation about this; I've never done anything like this with one of my consoles. The setup for #Insignia seems easy enough, and I have a few friends who either have done it, or are interested in trying it.
With @insignia having put the original #XboxLive back online, I’ve been buying, restoring, and upgrading OG #Xbox consoles. The first ten were gifted to friends as Christmas presents, but I still have 20 units sitting here undergoing restoration and #Insignia setup!
My upgraded Xboxes have:
-A 512GB SSD! Woot, load times!
-XBL/Gamertag set up in advance
-Softmod and custom dash
-Over 175 #videogames preloaded (and can load any requested)
-DLC/Updates preinstalled
#xboxlive #xbox #insignia #videogames
Heute um 20:30 Uhr treiben ich und @Frapskillar ein paar online shinanigans in Toca Race Driver 2 (XBox via @insignia)
#Vtality #insignia #xbox #TOCA #vtuber #GERVtuber
The Stylised Royal Seal "Tughra" (Insignia) of Sultan Süleiman the Magnificent (r. 1520-66) ca. 1555-60
My sister showed me a photo she had taken in Greece of a beautiful inscription cut into stone, and without thinking I said "that's the seal of Suleiman the Magnificent". I'd seen it before, and I'm fascinated with Suleiman so was quite relieved when I checked, and was right! I impressed myself!
#Süleiman #tughra #insignia #symbol
#suleiman #tughra #insignia #symbol
Well the dream is real!
Xbox Live on the original Xbox is indeed back with @insignia, with my first experience on Midtown Madness 3 in what must be around 15 years. Ran really well.
#retrogaming #retroconsoles #xbox #insignia #xboxlive