Albert Vilella · @albertvilella
474 followers · 385 posts · Server

Some market predictions: they see a total TAM for GeoMx and CosMx of a total of 14,000 instruments, if the penetration was 100%, so it means currently about 5% penetration. I wonder if we can extrapolate this numbers by adding up all the offerings and how quickly


Last updated 2 years ago

Albert Vilella · @albertvilella
475 followers · 355 posts · Server

A little bit of data analysis: being used to , and read data, of the like of FASTQ and BAM files, it's a bit refreshing to see companies in talking about Data Analysis in terms of turning terabytes of image data in GBs: the QPTIFF format.

#nextgenerationsequencing #insituimaging

Last updated 2 years ago

Albert Vilella · @albertvilella
440 followers · 215 posts · Server

Same for the single-cell and Spatial Biology sectors, with a few more contenders in the side of things, with several companies currently selling microscopy products having an opportunity to go and compete against the established players.


Last updated 2 years ago