Me: I'm so tired, I bet I'll fall asleep as soon as I lie down.
Also Me: Hah, cute. Let's go over again that mistake you made 15 years ago and dissect it for the next several hours.
Hello #InsomniaMastodon how are ya? I was sleepy then I wasn’t. Currently poking my head into all SM accounts to see if anyone is up and about at this hour.
Hi there, just popping in to say hi to my lovely Mastodon pals. Can’t sleep. How are we doing #InsomniaMastodon? I’ve done this weeks flu tracker and Wordle. Now what? Lol. I having Teddy over here in a few hours. Can’t wait to see him. I haven’t been able to look after him the last couple of weeks. I hope you are all well.
Too hot to sleep. Where my insomniacs at? This here bitch is AWAKE awake
Should be in bed, am watching Ben Stokes single handedly stealing the test from Australia.
Hi #NZTwits #InsomniaMastodon It’s been good to catch up. I’m off to put my phone on charge and pick up my book. Goodnight. May your dreams be wonderful and I hope tomorrow (today) is the best Monday it could possibly be. Xx
@Larissacomments1 I’m awake. Would prefer to be asleep. #NoZzzealand #InsomniaMastodon
#nozzzealand #insomniamastodon
@rjthomson I really should too. But I’m just not sleepy. Might have to put the phone down and pick up my book again. Let’s keep this #InsomniaMastodon thing going for nights when we’re awake (thus us often for me!).
Is there such thing as #InsomniaMastodon ? Let’s make one. #NZTwits The wind is gusting, the rain is falling, I am feeling sad at the thought if losing my Twitter community. But I’ve seen some lovely familiar faces here today. Hi Aotearoa. Is anyone awake?