Upside to insomnia is being outside for the dawn chorus. Birds heard this morning: bluebirds, the little resident male phoebe, cardinals, Carolina Wrens (my House Wrens haven't arrived yet), titmice, towhees, a chickadee, and a Pine Warbler. And the thrasher just cranked up outside the breakfast-room window!
Good morning to everyone else in the Atl who's been up since 4 a.m.!
#insomnidon #birding #theatl #dawnchorus
🌄 Good morning to everyone else who's been awake since oh, 3:30 or so ⏰️
(At least there's a pretty sunrise!)
Where's my ☕️???
(And what is it about Mondays, anyway?)
Good morning all my fellow Atlantans up more or less since 4 a.m. Here's to good ☕️ and a great day!
Good morning all you fellow mastodonians wide awake at 5 a.m. on a Sunday! Here's to good ☕️ and a great day!
Good morning fella mastodonians awake since 3 AM! may we all have a great g** d*** day anyway!
@jerry @k8em0 @adminkirsty @JetSm00th Fucking insomnia. Like, hey, brain, how about we DON’T wake up at 3:30 and run at full speed for no good reason? (Brain says “fuck off ha ha”) #Insomnidon