I think the way this ended was pretty nice, as we had a solid end that still left questions. #InSpectre #anime
I like #InSpectre, but sometimes it does feel like thd episodes are padded. #anime
I mean here are the #Winter2020Anime shows that I’m still watching:
#KanColle (assuming it solves its scheduling issues and actually delivers another episode) (Shigure still needs all the hugs)
#FarmingLifeInAnotherWorld (Yes it’s a harem show, but pleasant enough for what it is)
#winter2020anime #thetaleofoutcasts #saving80000goldinanotherworldformyretirement #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #strongestexorcist #reborntomastertheblade #campfirecookinginanotherworld #ningenfushin #sugarapplefairytale #reincarnatedprincess #bofuri #handymansaitouinanotherworld #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague #inspectre #kancolle #farminglifeinanotherworld #ipponagain #kubowontletmebeinvisible
That was fun. I’m really liking the Yuki-Onna in this (so-far) 3-parter; she’s adorable and more than capable of melting Masayuki’s heart (if you’ll pardon the expression).
Be interesting to see how this gets wrapped up in the third part next week. #InSpectre
I don't know anything about Japanese criminal law, but oit seems to me that the police have no actual evidence. #InSpectre #anime
In/Spectre S2 is my favorite show this season
#虚構推理 #kyokou_suiri #KyoukouSuiri #InSpectre
#inspectre #KyoukouSuiri #kyokou_suiri #虚構推理
2nd episode of #InSpectre (it was already out since it’s taking me a while to catch up on all the shows) is the first part of a two parter with some really solid character work from the new characters. The Yuki-Onna is HILARIOUS, and she’s clearly come to care for her burned out human companion Masayuki.
Enough to ask for help from the main characters.
Definitely a keeper this season.
#Bofuri on the other hand had an OK (ish) return but I’m fine with that: I’ve rewatched that often enough and recently enough to be happy with that & to let the new season find its feet over a couple of episodes.
But #InSpectre didn’t have that insurance: it had once chance… and nailed it dead in the black.
I was really impressed by #InSpectre’s return. It’s a cleverly scripted refresher that ISN’T a recap. Well played.
So, I’ve already dropped the sequels to #MisfitOfDemonKingAcademy & #ByTheGraceOfTheGods because they just dropped me into the middle of a huge cast of characters that I could barely remember.
Now, let’s talk about #InSpectre (my thoughts on the first episode of the previous season are here: https://piratesobg.wordpress.com/2020/01/12/in-spectre-2020-first-episode-impressions/)
Too many characters? Nope. The lead duo ONLY* with key interactions re-established.
Too much unfamiliar content? Nope. Basically a monster of the week to get viewers back into the swing.
* Well apart from the monster of the week and the deftly played Greek Chorus of Yokai whose commentary served as a useful refresher on the rules of the series. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GreekChorus
THAT’s how you do it when there’s nearly a 3 year gap between seasons.
#misfitofdemonkingacademy #bythegraceofthegods #inspectre
One of the things I like about #InSpectre is that it's not all big fights and sakuga, but cerebral and laid back. The story started today is interesting. #anime #KyoukoSuiri
#inspectre #anime #kyoukosuiri
I was so giddy watching this episode. I'm a scholar and idolize Koizumi Yakumo (Lafcadio Hearn) and to see his name mentioned so many times in an anime just put me over the moon. I love this Yuki-Onna too she is adorable. #anime #InSpectre #Hearn
I've always enjoyed the byplay between Kotoko and Kuro #InSpectre #anime #KyokouSuiri
#inspectre #anime #kyokousuiri
[Anime] Desvelados en opening y el ending de In/Spectre 2, la serie estará disponible en @crunchyroll_es
#anime #inspectre
[Anime] Desvelado un nuevo vídeo promocional de la segunda temporada de In/Spectre
#AnimeExpo2022 #InSpectre #TemporadaAnimeInvierno2023 https://t.co/xVQwVauYsE
#animeexpo2022 #inspectre #temporadaanimeinvierno2023