Instagram is taking its Broadcast Channels worldwide, mirroring Telegram's one-way messaging. Users can share updates, images, and videos while inviting collaboration. The future sees Channels on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Messenger, with Meta also developing a decentralized social network.
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#MetaUpdates #InstagramBroadcastChannels #SocialMediaEvolution
#socialmediaevolution #instagrambroadcastchannels #metaupdates
Instagram is taking its Broadcast Channels worldwide, mirroring Telegram's one-way messaging. Users can share updates, images, and videos while inviting collaboration. The future sees Channels on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Messenger, with Meta also developing a decentralized social network.
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#MetaUpdates #InstagramBroadcastChannels #SocialMediaEvolution
#socialmediaevolution #instagrambroadcastchannels #metaupdates