> ... the only difference we have with our medieval European counterparts is that we come up with new beauty standards that everyone is supposed to live up to much more quickly. So, hooray?
#EleanorJanega on #GoingMedieval #BeautyStandards and #InstagramFace? #OnceAndFutureSex
#onceandfuturesex #instagramface #beautystandards #goingmedieval #EleanorJanega
Which is not, by any stretch of the imagination, immune to this process.
Though you'll never catch me pulling an #InstagramFace
You *really* wouldn't want to see that.
This longread on #InstagramFace is simultaneously fascinating and kind of depressing. As someone who has never had plastic surgery, it's somewhat gratifying to read about the growing movement to dissolve #Botox. Botox has become ubiquitous - and rich women have never wanted to look like everyone else. But the #beauty industry will continue to find new and unattainable standards for us to aspire to.