Here we go again: for those who followed the last one, I did get a Happy Valentines Day message from him but that’s all since I said I wasn’t giving him my myGov info.
As you can see, this one has 40 followers and 3 posts, he has to follow me in order to DM me. It says “New Instagram account” and the bio on their page claims their old account was hacked (this is a new trend for scammers on Insta to explain why so few posts/followers/etc)
Message reads:
Nice profile picture
My profile pic on Insta isn’t the same as here, it’s my photography business logo and doesn’t contain my image so you know they’re not even looking at your pic, let alone profile.
Remember, I choose to engage with these accounts and never reveal any information that would directly identify me, I am purposely vague and only provide information that is readily available if you cared to look for it.
#scam #scammers #RomanceScam #InstagramScammer #InstagramDM #fraud
#scam #scammers #romancescam #instagramscammer #instagramdm #fraud