· @sheislaurence
198 followers · 786 posts · Server mastodon.green

Dear @feditips dear instance admin @JohanEmpa, dear explainers of the , can someone explain to me how the section is made up? I don't assume it's handcrafted by clicking buttons all day long, but there's a shared ? Is it based on , based on what, number of any ? ? ? How often is it refreshed? Looks like daily to me on mastodon.green. Please share code!

#fediverse #explore #instanceadmins #algorithm #popularity #interactions #clicks #comments

Last updated 1 year ago

Darryl Wright 🍁🎧 · @darryl
72 followers · 75 posts · Server reasonable.world

Reasonable.World is officially no longer a single person server.

Why am I nervous?

#sps #mastodon #instanceadmins

Last updated 2 years ago

Darryl Wright 🍁🎧 · @darryl
71 followers · 70 posts · Server reasonable.world

How do I test my setup after-the-fact on my instance? I can tell it's not working but I don't know why and I need to retest my ability to send mail. Any suggestions ?

#smtp #mastodon #instanceadmins #askmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Moderator · @moderator
3 followers · 4 posts · Server talk.artsculture.media

Is there a mastodon app for moderators / admins? So far, on Android, PWA seems the only way, and still inferior to managing it from a desktop browser... 😰
@mastodonmigration @feditips @fediverse @Mastodon

#app #admin #moderation #instanceadmins

Last updated 2 years ago

ITX Mike · @mspsadmin
113 followers · 833 posts · Server msps.io

@matt @stephen
I've wondered the same ... So many have active underutilized hardware around. Can't really host on it due to blocking/reputation. But offloading stuff from the colo/VPS would be major if the impact wasn't huge. I have multiple servers with capacity to spare. Curious what you find...


Last updated 2 years ago

Moderator · @moderator
3 followers · 1 posts · Server talk.artsculture.media

A poll for – have you implemented (or an alternative)? Why/why not?
@mastodonmigration @pollbot

#instanceadmins #elasticsearch #poll #search #admins #instance #setup

Last updated 2 years ago

Caleb :steamdeck: · @cfultz
103 followers · 86 posts · Server cfultz.com

Heads up to , I'm running a single-user instance (@cfultz) and in less than 7 days almost filled up 43Gigs of disk space. I was a tiny bit shocked. Running some tootcli commands now to clean up a bit. :morty:


Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Gallagher · @ukskies
307 followers · 439 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@antoniusmisfit @davidallengreen

I concur, a platform in the long run should be more stable, better moderated, and not subject to the whims of owners who, like the press, may use their platform including powerful algorithms to push their own agenda.

Are there any weaknesses of , apart from resource limitations for some ?

I've long advocated for & put my money where my mouth is on these.

#federated #mastodon #instanceadmins #opensourcetechnology

Last updated 2 years ago