Stafford Gregoire · @wQueens7
1 followers · 376 posts · Server
Brotmaa · @breadman
14 followers · 57 posts · Server

und : Mit Spass gegen die eigenen Interessen handeln! đŸ€©

— Pascal Fouquet, @jorgo in "Sozialkreditsysteme - auf leisen Sohlen bald bei uns?" am der @digiges

#winterkongress #masssurveillance #blackmirror #china #socialcredit #instantgratification #winterkongress23 #socialscoring #gamification

Last updated 2 years ago

Anêž‡Ăłin Ó B. · @barcode
8 followers · 69 posts · Server

I've a book on ordered I want to read and I'm left wondering whether the above filters what is and is not desired - where is observed it is fertile ground mimetic desire to occur, but where occurs it is not.

If the resulting asymmetry of behavioural spread rates for delayed benefits and harms lead to asymmetrical outcomes then it may offer an explanation for why developed countries have incredible and resulting social harms.

#mimeticdesire #instantgratification #delayedgratification #inequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Anêž‡Ăłin Ó B. · @barcode
8 followers · 68 posts · Server

On :

It takes effort for people to associate the merit of a thing (eg strength training or benefits of most ) with its *eventual* results, but **it doesn't take any effort** to associate the merit of a thing with it's immediate results.

This doesn't exist in a vacuum. If your peers reject something with immediate downside (even minor & temporary) but good delayed benefits (even incredible), peer pressure kicks in.

You feel out-of-line, you should stop.

#instantgratification #newyearsresolution

Last updated 2 years ago

haken29a · @haken29a
31 followers · 61 posts · Server

Completing “unrewarding” tasks is a lot more fun now.

By that I mean those tasks that won’t give you the nice feeling right away but instead you’ll feel rewarded by the sense of a job well done and that you helped things move along. It’s not just busy work to make you feel good only.

It’s a different dynamic but it’s much simpler to me because in most cases, you don’t have to waste brain power on completing those: you just move forward and do.

Things like emptying the washing machine or emptying the garbage bin. This may sound ridiculous but I like how it turns out :)

#adhd #completetasks #dothework #task #tasks #reward #instantgratification

Last updated 2 years ago

haken29a · @haken29a
31 followers · 61 posts · Server

I know there’s a stigma even today about medication but I’m gonna say it anyway because I’m sure it might help someone.

I got diagnosed with ADHD yesterday and started on medication and I gotta say it’s acting fast: I don’t know what I was really expecting but I can’t be happier about the results at the moment. I didn’t feel super excited, just really calm.

About an hour after taking it, I started looking at the state of my house and how much cleanup was needed. I didn’t feel any dread or discouragement, just observing passively.

After considering what would be useful (not what would be fun or provide me with a boost of dopamine) I decided to remove the AC from the living room window (yeah it was still in there — mind you it’s winter here and cold outside for a while now). I didn’t feel joy doing it or didn’t need motivation to start BUT I did feel proud afterwards.

The key here is I didn’t need anything in the moment as a gratification or incentive to start and I just did it.

THIS to me is huge. It always felt like I needed to boost myself up to start doing anything and then would find a more gratifying job to do to keep myself busy because who wants to be labeled as lazy, right?

All that to say it helped me so far even if it was just for a day so I find this experience extremely valuable and wanted to share :)

Hopefully this can help!

#adhd #motivation #instantgratification #dothework #help

Last updated 2 years ago

ConstantOrbit · @constantorbit
344 followers · 337 posts · Server

WHAT?!? I can't order an over-the-door wreath hanger and have it here in 45 minutes?

What is this world coming to?

#firstworldproblems #instantgratification #imkidding

Last updated 2 years ago

Petrichor · @sinabhfuil
532 followers · 2177 posts · Server

@pezmico And as said, cars are the ultimate fuel of

#dervlamurphy #instantgratification

Last updated 2 years ago

HACKthePRISONS · @bigMouthCommie
209 followers · 1039 posts · Server

I thrive on feedback and .

so please pay attention to me

#positive #instantgratification

Last updated 2 years ago

Cis Lesbian Grandma · @jemay71
75 followers · 89 posts · Server

Bought these for my granddaughter and her BFF sleepover last night (4 & 5 yo). Thought they’d be a fun little activity to do while waiting for cookies to bake.
Note to self: check instructions. These take 24-48 hours to start hatching, then another 3-4 days to fully transform into unicorn.
So had to send her BFF egg home in a Tupperware.

#instantgratification #readthedirections

Last updated 2 years ago

Coralie Mercier · @koalie
612 followers · 3657 posts · Server

@n1k0 oui !! 😍😍😍 J’avais pas eu le coup de foudre pour un Ă©quipement (hors chaussures de sport, Ă©videmment) depuis ma dĂ©couverte de Mac OSX sur un PowerBook G3 en 2005.
Alors j’ai pas attendu deux heures et j’ai cassĂ© la tirelire !

#vttae #bike #instantgratification

Last updated 2 years ago