#Vélotaf #instantKarma
seul bémol (mais j'avoue là c'est compliqué de faire autrement) ils sont sur le couloir de bus/cyclable
Die erst ab 18 Jahren freigegebenen Maistortilla-Chips wurden von Kindern gestohlen und verzehrt. Magenschmerzen, Haut- und Atemwegsreizungen waren die Folgen.
Bei einem guten Freund von mir spielt heute #InstantKarma einen Live Gig.
Adresse per DM wenn gewünscht.
Edit: Innviertel - Oberösterreich
RT @4ewald@twitter.com
Dumm gelaufen oder #InstantKarma https://twitter.com/4ewald/status/1673991486780628993/photo/1
Quando vuoi fare troppo il #gaggio al pub ma sei solo un #coglionedelgiorno e sei vittima dell'#InstantKarma.
#adoroilgenio #24giugno #pub #ubriachezza #gaggio #gaggioman #ilcoglionedelgiorno #fail #figuredimerda #pirla #figuradimerda #karma
#gaggio #coglionedelgiorno #instantkarma #adoroilgenio #24giugno #pub #ubriachezza #gaggioman #ilcoglionedelgiorno #fail #FigureDiMerda #Pirla #figuradimerda #karma
What did you expect?
It’s you fucking this monkey;
I just hold the tail.
#Haiku #InstantKarma #ItsNeverTooLateToMakeABadSituationWorse #LifeChoices #BadDecisions #Haikoot
#haiku #instantkarma #itsnevertoolatetomakeabadsituationworse #lifechoices #baddecisions #haikoot
Ed è subito #InstantKarma 😉 🤠 💪
#nolockin #microsoft #openoffice #libreoffice #opensource #freesoftware #FOSS
#instantkarma #nolockin #microsoft #openoffice #libreoffice #opensource #freesoftware #foss
Heute in #instantKarma:
- habe vorhin falsch geparkt (Rechtfertigung erspare ich euch), war ganz schnell wieder da, wurde nicht erwischt
- halte ein paar Minuten später an einem Zebrastreifen wie die vorbildliche Verkehrsteilnehmer*in die ich sein sollte, um eine mittelalte weiße Person die Straße überqueren zu lassen, Person geht rüber, dreht sich um, zeigt mir den Mittelfinger, schimpft unverständlich
what did You expect?
it’s You fucking this Monkey;
I just hold the Tail.
#Haiku #InstantKarma #ItsNeverTooLateToMakeABadSituationWorse #LifeChoices #BadDecisions #Haikoot
#haiku #instantkarma #itsnevertoolatetomakeabadsituationworse #lifechoices #baddecisions #haikoot
Wer so dämlich ist und nicht die fette Refletor-Beklebung "POLIZEI" sieht und dann bei rot durchdonnert sollte echt den Lappen abgezogen bekommen...
#ProudBoys Hit With #INSTANTKARMA After Attempting To Shut Down #DragQueen #StoryHour
#proudboys #instantkarma #dragqueen #storyhour
#Entitled Neighbor Gets #InstantKarma After Blocking Way For #Emergency Van With His Two Cars And Refusing To Move Them Away
#entitled #instantkarma #emergency
What did you expect?
It’s you fucking this monkey;
I just hold the tail.
#Haiku #InstantKarma #Responsibility #ItsNeverTooLateToMakeABadSituationWorse #LifeChoices #BadDecisions
#haiku #instantkarma #responsibility #itsnevertoolatetomakeabadsituationworse #lifechoices #baddecisions
Single des Tages #johnlennon #instantkarma #1970 #2020 #vinyl #singledestages
#JohnLennon #instantkarma #vinyl #singledestages
#funny #Police #drunkdriving #instantkarma
I really like mornings when waking up, and the state local news tell me that a drunk dude has crashed into the fence of the police department...😂
I'm not kidding you. Take the picture, and find it out for yourself.
#funny #Police #drunkdriving #instantkarma
I’m sick of the thieving American corporations preying on all people, everywhere. This example is about cable/wifi/internet, something we all need to function, something that should be free, and there are many other examples. We don’t need just “a grain of salt” for everything they tell us, we need the whole damn salt lick and more when dealing with thieving American corporations. 3/3
#Comcast #Xfinity #ATT #Crooks #Thieves #Greed #EatTheRich #InstantKarma
#Comcast #xfinity #att #crooks #thieves #greed #eattherich #instantkarma
I’m sick of the thieving American corporations preying on all people, everywhere. This example is about cable/wifi/internet, something we all need to function, something that should be free, and there are many other examples. We don’t need just “a grain of salt” for everything they tell us, we need the whole damn salt lick and more when dealing with thieving American corporations. 3/3
#Comcast #Xfinity #ATT #Crooks #Thieves #Greed #EatTheRich #InstantKarma
#Comcast #xfinity #att #crooks #thieves #greed #eattherich #instantkarma
I’m sick of the thieving American corporations preying on all people, everywhere. We don’t need just “a grain of salt” for everything they tell us, we need the whole damn salt lick and more when dealing with thieving American corporations. 3/3
#Comcast #Xfinity #ATT #Crooks #Thieves #Greed #EatTheRich #InstantKarma
#Comcast #xfinity #att #crooks #thieves #greed #eattherich #instantkarma