🇮🇹 È arrivata l'ora di provare #deltachat, la #messaggistica basata su #email! 😁
🇬🇧 Time has come to try using #deltachat, the #email based #instantmessaging!
#deltachat #messaggistica #email #instantmessaging
#fedihelp for #instantmessaging with a #telephone #number
Shall I donate to #signal or buy #TelegramPremium (aka unlimited #Telegram )?
In case of Signal is there a "suggested" donation?
Please boost and feel free to comment.
#fedihelp #instantmessaging #telephone #number #signal #TelegramPremium #telegram
Wie löscht man ein WhatsApp-Konto?
#whatsapp #instantmessaging #fedilz
Stories about #SmartKitchen & #SoundBurger, #Longplay & #InstantMessaging, a second life for #SecondLife and much more!
#secondlife #instantmessaging #longplay #soundburger #SmartKitchen
#shownotes for @gamesatwork_biz #podcast e431 are done, and publication set for tomorrow on https://www.gamesatwork.biz and all your favorite podcast feeds! Topics this week include #SmartKitchens & #SoundBurger, #Longplay & #InstantMessaging, a second life for #SecondLife and much more! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
#secondlife #instantmessaging #longplay #soundburger #smartkitchens #Podcast #shownotes
Meta May Offer Ad-Free Subscriptions for Instagram and Facebook in the E.U. - The subscription plan is a response to European Union policies and court rulings to restr... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/01/technology/meta-instagram-facebook-ads-europe.html #generaldataprotectionregulation(gdpr) #regulationandderegulationofindustry #computersandtheinternet #mobileapplications #fines(penalties) #instantmessaging #metaplatformsinc #europeanunion #instagraminc #socialmedia #facebookinc
#facebookinc #socialmedia #instagraminc #europeanunion #metaplatformsinc #instantmessaging #fines #mobileapplications #computersandtheinternet #regulationandderegulationofindustry #generaldataprotectionregulation
Gizmodo: Use Beeper to Put All of Your Chats in One Place https://gizmodo.com/use-beeper-texts-imessage-google-chat-instagram-dm-1850690228 #instantmessagingclients #crossplatformsoftware #communicationsoftware #mobileapplications #technologyinternet #instantmessaging #conversations #socialmedia #googlechat #messenger #whatsapp #messages #imessage #twitter #google
#instantmessagingclients #crossplatformsoftware #communicationsoftware #mobileapplications #technologyinternet #instantmessaging #conversations #socialmedia #googlechat #messenger #whatsapp #messages #imessage #twitter #google
Gizmodo: Supermarket AI Offers Mom's Famous Mustard Gas Recipe https://gizmodo.com/paknsave-ai-savey-recipe-bot-chlorine-gas-1850725057 #naturallanguageparsing #hospitalityrecreation #instantmessaging #gelatindessert #liamhehir #mustard #chatbot #recipe #bread #pak
#naturallanguageparsing #hospitalityrecreation #instantmessaging #gelatindessert #liamhehir #mustard #chatbot #recipe #bread #pak
Gizmodo: Slack Drops a Big Redesign to Change How You Chat https://gizmodo.com/slack-ui-redesign-messages-later-channels-1850720963 #comparisonofuserfeaturesofmessagingplatforms #projectmanagementsoftware #instantmessagingclients #collaborativesoftware #instantmessaging #socialmedia #groupware #noahweiss #messages #huddles #chatgpt #taskbar #slack
#comparisonofuserfeaturesofmessagingplatforms #projectmanagementsoftware #instantmessagingclients #collaborativesoftware #instantmessaging #socialmedia #groupware #noahweiss #messages #huddles #chatgpt #taskbar #slack
USA: Banken zahlen 550 Millionen US-Dollar Strafe für Nutzung von WhatsApp & Co.
US-Aufsichtsbehörden gehen dagegen vor, dass Angestellte von Banken geschäftlich auf Messengern schrieben. Nun folgten weitere 550 Millionen US-Dollar Strafe.
#instantmessaging #signal #whatsapp #news
Elon Musk’s Quixotic Quest to Turn X Into an ‘Everything App’ - Mr. Musk, the owner of Twitter, is the latest Silicon Valley mogul to pursue an all-in-on... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/27/technology/elon-musk-x-everything-app.html #mobilecommerceandpayments #computersandtheinternet #ubertechnologiesinc #mobileapplications #wechat(mobileapp) #instantmessaging #metaplatformsinc #khosrowshahidara #zuckerbergmarke #socialmedia #whatsappinc #spiegelevan #linecorp #muskelon #snapinc
#snapinc #muskelon #linecorp #spiegelevan #whatsappinc #socialmedia #zuckerbergmarke #khosrowshahidara #metaplatformsinc #instantmessaging #wechat #mobileapplications #ubertechnologiesinc #computersandtheinternet #mobilecommerceandpayments
Slack Experiences a Widespread Outage, Company Says - Offices around the world use the messaging system to communicate. - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/27/technology/slack-down.html #computernetworkoutages #slacktechnologiesinc #instantmessaging
#instantmessaging #slacktechnologiesinc #computernetworkoutages
Going to ask this once again, because it's high time to abandon the novelty sub.
I'm still holding on to a Tw*tter account so I can DM certain people. Does anyone know of an #InstantMessaging / #PrivateMessaging app for #macOS and #Windows7 [sic], free and #OpenSource and secure and definitely not WhatsApp?
#instantmessaging #privatemessaging #macOS #windows7 #opensource #im #software
iMessage-App in iOS 17: Bessere Suche, Catch-Up, Check-In und mehr
Mit iOS 16 kamen Lösch- und Editierfunktion, mit iOS 17 räumt Apple an anderen Stellen auf: Die Nachrichten-App bekommt ein großes Update.
#Apple #Betriebssystem #InstantMessaging #iOS #iPhone #Updates #news
#apple #betriebssystem #instantmessaging #ios #iphone #updates #news
Gizmodo: Tumblr Is in the Red and Losing $30 Million Every Year https://gizmodo.com/tumblr-losing-30-million-per-year-ceo-says-in-the-red-1850633390 #technologyinternet #instantmessaging #businessfinance #mattmullenweg #socialmedia #docmartens #automattic #wordpress #zandyring #instagram #tumblr #tiktok #zandy
#technologyinternet #instantmessaging #businessfinance #mattmullenweg #socialmedia #docmartens #automattic #wordpress #zandyring #instagram #tumblr #tiktok #zandy
Coinbase Wallet launches instant messaging feature with XMTP - The new feature offers end-to-end encrypted private messaging for... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/coinbase-wallet-launches-instant-messaging-feature-with-xmtp #instantmessaging #socialmedia #coinbase #wallet
#wallet #coinbase #socialmedia #instantmessaging
Meta Unveils ‘Threads’ App to Take on Twitter - Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, teased a new app called Threads that is set to t... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/03/technology/meta-app-twitter.html #computersandtheinternet #metaverse(internet) #mobileapplications #instantmessaging #metaplatformsinc #zuckerbergmarke #instagraminc #socialmedia #facebookinc #muskelon #twitter
#twitter #muskelon #facebookinc #socialmedia #instagraminc #zuckerbergmarke #metaplatformsinc #instantmessaging #mobileapplications #metaverse #computersandtheinternet
5 Ways to Make Your #InstantMessaging More #Secure
#politics #children #childprotection #childpornography #instantmessaging #communication #law #spy #spying #espionage #NoAgendaBannedCamp
#politics #children #childprotection #childpornography #instantmessaging #communication #law #spy #spying #espionage #NoAgendaBannedCamp
An instant messenger on a Lisp machine. From the "Communicating with Other Users" manual by Symbolics, July 1986.
#Symbolics #LispMachine #LispM #Lisp #Retrocomputing #ComputerHistory #Networking #InstantMessaging #InstantMessenger #Chaosnet
#symbolics #lispmachine #lispm #lisp #retrocomputing #computerhistory #networking #instantmessaging #instantmessenger #chaosnet