Kann mir bitte jemensch bestätigen, dass die "neuen" Garmin Instinct (2, Solar, CrossOver, etc.) auch diesen wunderbaren Vibrationsalarm bzw. Vibrationsbenachrichtigung haben? In den technischen Daten und in den Anleitungen ist nichts konkretes zu finden. #Garmin #instinct #garminInstinct #Smartwatch #fitnesswatch ich kann nicht mehr ohne diesen stummen Alarm, sei es zum Wecken und/oder zur sanften Benachrichtigung. Der Alarm der Instinct (erste Version) ist einfach genial, damals mit der ersten #Pebble war ich schon hin und weg.
#pebble #fitnesswatch #smartwatch #garmininstinct #instinct #garmin
Excerpt from The Patterning #Instinct | Introduction: An #Archaeology of the #Mind
#instinct #archaeology #mind #patterns #patternmatching #selfsimilarity
"Our civilization is still in a middle stage, scarcely beast, in that it is no longer wholly guided by instinct; scarcely human, in that it is not yet wholly guided by reason." - Theodore Dreiser
#quote #QOTD #quotestoliveby #instinct #reason #WhoWeAre #BeingHuman
#quote #qotd #quotestoliveby #instinct #reason #whoweare #beinghuman
V Turecku to vyzeralo, že sú tam samí Ruᛋᛋáci, až jedna pani predavačka, pôvodom z Odesy, ma upozornila, že je tam aj dosť Ukrajincov. Akurát, že ťažko rozoznať, veľa z nich hovorí po rusky (nie že by bežný človek tieto 2 jazyky rozoznal...). Jedného som rozoznal spoľahlivo. Vyzeral ako Zelenského brat, ale podstatný bol watchface na jeho Garmin hodinkách. Bezodkladne som si ho inštaloval aj ja. A prikladám odkaz aj pre vás.
#heroiamslava #garmin #instinct
Seven (7?!!!!) years ago, I got up bright and early for an internship and danced around the kitchen making lunch while playing the Pokémon theme song. I suffered through the server overloads. I set out on adventures to triangulate Pokémons’ locations through the old footstep indicators. I agonized over which team to join. (#Instinct for the win!)
#instinct #pokemongo #pokemongo7thanniversary
The potter wasp invasion has gone I thought,
but paper wasp🐝 this time😂!
It was my cat quizzically looked at the underside of a cardboard box, but her instinct seems to have told her not to disturb it. :blobcatpeek:
#house #paper #insects #indoor
#nest #nursing #care
#cat #instinct
#japan #instinct #cat #care #nursing #nest #indoor #insects #paper #house
So, I post pictures of my breakfast to WhatsApp status. Almost exclusively, the Indian crowd hits Like on the vegetable horma, whereas the European crowd hits Like on the chocolate cake. 🤨
I know they all like both food items, but the affinity in response is telling.
So, I post pictures of my breakfast to WhatsApp status. Almost exclusively, the Indian crowd hits Like on the Vegetable Korma, whereas the European crowd hits Like on the Chocolate Cake. 🤨
I know they all like both food items, but the affinity in response is telling.
"You can repeal all past history, but you cannot repeal human nature." — Abraham Lincoln — — — #AbrahamLincoln #quote #quotes #history #instinct #human #behavior #intention #innate #inborn #primal
#abrahamlincoln #quote #quotes #history #instinct #human #behavior #intention #innate #inborn #primal
#instinct : imbued; animated; alive; quick
- French: instinct
- German: der Instinkt
- Italian: istinto
- Portuguese: instinto
- Spanish: instinto
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
"Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level." - Dr. Joyce Brothers
#lifecoaching #mindset #instinct #inspiration #Quote
Trust your gut. It won’t let you down https://youtube.com/shorts/egcxd6_NXz8?feature=share #motivation #selfawareness #life #happiness #optimism #positivity #instinct #gut #trust #trustyourgut #yougotthis
#motivation #selfawareness #life #happiness #optimism #positivity #instinct #gut #trust #trustyourgut #yougotthis
#Sunday | When I was coming up and moving town-to-town as an Air Force brat, my parents *always called their Mama's on Sunday night. AT&T owned it all then and "long-distance" was *price-y for calls within the US, even the next town over. Distance mattered, and the highest rates were during "business hours" when a 3-minute call from NY to LA was about $1.50 for the first 3-minutes and a little less/minute after that. Rates were lower on Sunday nights, and folks burned #MaBell's lines up!
Long way of saying, if she's still around, call your Mama! Not a text. Call. Some can't/won't for reasons, but I would if I could talk to mine today.
▶️ Watch what this doggo Mom does for her babies—everything! #Instinct #DogsOfMastadon #Dogs #SpayNeuter #TheDodo https://youtu.be/13WPIXAqUN4
#sunday #mabell #instinct #dogsofmastadon #dogs #spayneuter #thedodo
#Sunday | When I was coming up and moving town-to-town as an Air Force brat, my parents *always called their Mama's on Sunday night. AT&T owned it all then and "long-distance" was *price-y for calls within the US, even the next town over. Distance mattered, and the highest rates were during "business hours" when a 3-minute call from NY to LA was about $1.50 for the first 3-minutes and a little less/minute after that. Rates were lower on Sunday nights, and folks burned #MaBell's lines up!
Long way of saying, if she's still around, call your Mama! Not a text. Call. Some can't/won't for reasons, but I would if I could talk to mine today.
▶️ Watch what this doggo Mom does for her babies—everything! #Instinct #DogsOfMastadon #Dogs #SpayNeuter #TheDodo https://youtu.be/13WPIXAqUN4
#sunday #mabell #instinct #dogsofmastadon #dogs #spayneuter #thedodo
"It's called an inner voice for a reason. It's the gnawing feeling inside your stomach telling you yes or no. It's the one voice in your life that isn't tampered by other's biased opinions, scars, feelings or thoughts. Go with it, you know yourself better than anyone ever does." — Hope Alcocer — — — #HopeAlcocer #quote #quotes #instinct #gut #feelings #hunch #intuition
#hopealcocer #quote #quotes #instinct #gut #feelings #hunch #intuition
The dog did not know anything about thermometers. Possibly in its brain there was no sharp consciousness of a condition of very cold such as was in the man’s brain. But the brute had its instinct
— Jack London, To Build a Fire
(📖 https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2429/2429-h/2429-h.htm#page47 ) #JackLondon #ToBuildAFire #Books #Reading #Instinct #Book #Cold #Literature #Quote
#jacklondon #tobuildafire #books #reading #instinct #book #cold #literature #quote
#instinct : imbued; animated; alive; quick
- French: instinct
- German: der Instinkt
- Italian: istinto
- Portuguese: instinto
- Spanish: instinto
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past