#Federal and #state #laws should have #protected Carter by preventing Leggett, who had a #felony #record, from having a #gun. #Officers said they didn’t have enough #evidence to prove that Leggett had violated the order.
#institutionalFailure #institutionalracism #abolishthepolice #HowTheLawFailsWomen #domesticviolence #plantationeconomy #corruptrobertscourt
#federal #state #laws #protected #felony #record #gun #officers #evidence #institutionalFailure #institutionalracism #abolishthepolice #howthelawfailswomen #domesticviolence #plantationeconomy #corruptrobertscourt
An 11 year old boy in MI was handcuffed and put in a police car, with 4 police cars surrounding him, while taking out the trash in front of his home. This child was traumatized and those cops probably learned nothing. Who do you call when the police kidnap your child? #InstitutionalRacism
In 2021, people all over the UK took to the streets to stand against police power as part of #KillTheBill protests. During the protests, five volunteer legal observers with Black Protest Legal Support (BPLS) were detained, strip searched, and subject to racist harassment. They're now suing the Met police. Donate to their crowdfunder here: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/support-kill-the-bill-legal-observers/ #ACAB #FuckThePolice #UKPolice #NoMorePolicePowers #PoliceScum #PoliceRacism #InstitutionalRacism #BristolProtesters #Bristol
#killthebill #acab #fuckthepolice #ukpolice #nomorepolicepowers #policescum #policeracism #institutionalracism #bristolprotesters #bristol
I will never forget working in a public middle school where #Black #students were the smallest demographic but #BlackGirls were nearly 100% of the #youth present for in-school suspension, being robbed of instruction and placed in the #SchoolToPrison pipeline. Because they had, according to staff, “bad attitudes”. #InstitutionalRacism
#black #students #blackgirls #youth #schooltoprison #institutionalracism
Here we go again: protests, police platitudes, and perturbed politicians over cops’ racism and misogynoir in Croydon https://www.thecanary.co/trending/2023/07/26/here-we-go-again-protests-police-platitudes-and-perturbed-politicians-over-cops-racism-and-misogynoir-in-croydon/ #Misogynoir #Misogyny #Racism #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #InstitutionalRacism #InstitutionalDiscrimination #PoliceRacism #PoliceBrutality #UKPolice #METPolice #Abolition #Protest #Resist
#misogynoir #misogyny #racism #blm #blacklivesmatter #institutionalracism #institutionaldiscrimination #policeracism #policebrutality #ukpolice #metpolice #abolition #protest #resist
If you ever wanted to know what #InstitutionalRacism looks & sounds like, Macron is giving us all a real fuckin clear view on that right now. Black, brown and poor French kids riot at abuse and violence at the hands of the police and it’s ‘bad parenting’? Putain!
J'ai mis en ligne pour quelques jours un direct d'une dizaine de minutes sur #DemocracyNow sur la situation en France et un entretien avec Rokhaya Diallo.
Alors que chez nous les médias ne parlent que de saccage et de la cagnotte de l'assassin, les médias étrangers font des sujets de fond sur les violences racistes de la police et sur les morts, racisés à 90%.
#rokhayadiallo #Amygoodman #FranceRiots #PoliceMurders #Racism #InstitutionalRacism #France
#democracynow #RokhayaDiallo #AmyGoodman #franceriots #policemurders #racism #institutionalracism #france
Global News BC: New Chinese Canadian Museum opens in Vancouver https://globalnews.ca/news/9804535/vancouver-chinese-canadian-museum/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ChineseCanadianHistory #chinese-canadianmuseum #ChineseExclusionAct #institutionalracism #anti-Asianracism #ChineseCanadian #Entertainment #Canadahistory #Perspectives #Politics #chinese #History #Racism #Social #Arts
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #chinesecanadianhistory #chinese #chineseexclusionact #institutionalracism #anti #ChineseCanadian #entertainment #canadahistory #perspectives #politics #history #racism #social #arts
Being #colorblind is bull s#!t
(FYI, this is not directed at people with actual color perception issues. You know what I mean)
#HistoricalOppression #racism #InstitutionalRacism
#colorblind #historicaloppression #racism #institutionalracism
Perhaps unpopular opinion - #StarTrekDiscovery tried very hard to address issues of bigotry, #trans rights, etc. S2E2 of #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorlds captures in one episode - with more nuance - both that and #institutionalracism - what Discovery tried for a season to say - and binds the point far more compellingly to the broader history of civil rights.
#startrekdiscovery #trans #startrek #strangenewworlds #institutionalracism
Black defendants spend on average more than 70% longer in prison awaiting trial & sentencing in England & Wales than their white counterparts, according to new data revealing racial disparities at the heart of the criminal justice system.
While black people are more likely to be held in prison to await their trials and sentencing, and for longer periods, research suggests they are also far more likely to be acquitted than white defendants.
#InstitutionalRacism #Racism
Why It’s So Hard to Tear Down a Crumbling Highway Nearly Everyone Hates - The Interstate 81 viaduct in Syracuse effectively destroyed a Black neighborhood when it was built, and it has been falling apart ever since. But getting rid of it is complicated. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/03/nyregion/syracuse-interstate-81.html #cities #highway #institutionalracism #racism #urbanism
#cities #highway #institutionalracism #racism #urbanism
"Chief says Police Scotland is institutionally racist"
England's police chief will be grinding his teeth this morning.
#MarkRowley #MetPolice #PoliceScotland #IainLivingstone #InstitutionalRacism #racism #sexism
#markrowley #metpolice #policescotland #iainlivingstone #institutionalracism #racism #sexism
"Ron #DeSantis is campaigning for president promising to 'stop woke history' – stop teaching about #slavery and its legacy of #InstitutionalRacism. #AdamHochschild found the history curriculum DeSantis wants—the Hillsdale College '#1776Curriculum.' He reports on what’s in it—and what’s not."
#wokebashing #ChasseAuxWokes #Florida #Education #USPol #USHistory #AmericanHistory #StopWOKEAct
#desantis #slavery #institutionalracism #adamhochschild #1776curriculum #wokebashing #chasseauxwokes #florida #education #uspol #ushistory #americanhistory #stopwokeact
Josephine Corcoran :
Stephen Lawrence Isn't On The National Curriculum
#stephenlawrence #institutionalracism #poetry
A brief visit to Tw*tter and seeing some of the comments about #StephenLawrenceDay has confirmed to me that (a) that place is still a cesspit and (b) we definitely need this day. You can find out how to support here: https://stephenlawrenceday.org/
#StephenLawrence #racism #MetropolitanPolice #InstitutionalRacism #RIP
#stephenlawrenceday #stephenlawrence #racism #metropolitanpolice #institutionalracism #rip
Elizabeth Warren tweets:
New analysis confirmed that Black taxpayers are being audited 2.9 to 4.7 times more than other Americans. I'm urging the IRS and US Treasury to examine and address racial inequities in tax enforcement.
#ElizabethWarren #UnitedStates #Taxes #IRS #USTreasury #BlackAudits #InstitutionalRacism
#elizabethwarren #unitedstates #taxes #irs #ustreasury #blackaudits #institutionalracism
They won't put this on my library's website, so I thought I'd put it here:
#Library #EDIA #Antiracism #LGBTQIA #Work #Racism #Welath #WhiteSupremacy #InstitutionalRacism #Transgender
#library #edia #antiracism #lgbtqia #work #racism #welath #whitesupremacy #institutionalracism #transgender