#Study #police and #military #manuals. #Read #technical manuals (TM’s) as well as #field manuals (FM’s), as the former will reveal #equipment capabilities and vulnerabilities while the latter outlines general #tactics and #procedures you will have to counter. Many, if not most of these, are cleared for general distribution and available on countless #websites.
Here’s an #example of New York’s police manuals (links in article): https://theintercept.com/2021/04/07/nypd-strategic-response-unit-george-floyd-protests/
Here’s a spattering of #Instructions on general tactics that I know of: https://crimethinc.com/categories/how-to
#study #police #military #manuals #read #technical #field #equipment #Tactics #procedures #websites #example #instructions
Morning from NZ- can somebody give me a hand? Is it possible to caption audio in iMovie? How do you get the things to show as long as you need as a blind person? Can somebody give me some #instructions? Thanks heaps!
Yall my nerdy heart is so happy! Not only did i find out they’re trying to make comics more accessible for #blind people but I also stumbled on a website that has #screenreader #instructions for building different #lego kits!!!
#blind #screenreader #instructions #lego
Good morning peeps!
Hit me with your best suggestions of #PeerTube channels and instances! I'm building a curated instance with stuff that I like that hopefully others can enjoy too.
If you know any YouTubers that have made the switch, let me know. Otherwise I'm looking for #videogames, #retro, #animation, #politics and #commentary, #news, #comedy, #hardware and #instructions, #music and #musicproduction
Feel free to watch on
#peertube #videogames #retro #animation #politics #commentary #news #comedy #hardware #instructions #music #musicproduction
On learning graphic design (partly) from a book (2019): https://www.fordes.de/posts/LearningGraphicDesign.html
What is prompt engineering, and how does it work? - Explore the concept of prompt engineering, its significance, and ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/what-is-prompt-engineering #promptengineering #instructions #aimodels #behavior #queries #output
#output #queries #behavior #aimodels #instructions #promptengineering
England’s first swimming manual, written in 1587, also showed how to cut off your limbs to aid buoyancy.
#swimming #swim #manual #instructions #history #historicdocuments #QI #notQI
#swimming #swim #manual #instructions #history #historicdocuments #qi #notqi
“#Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
#instructions #maryoliver #quotations #quotationsbywomen #poetry
IRL resource mismanagement bug, based on a real story:
Can you find a #bug in this set of #instructions ?
1. Apply lotion to the burned area
2. Wash your hands
3. After 5 mnutes, carefully wipe the lotion.
「えろ~すんません」 ドーベルマンズ叱られるの巻 https://www.wacoca.com/pets/123745/
#dog #educational #garderning #inspirational #instructions #Inu #movie #piano #series #ドーベルマン
#ドーベルマン #series #piano #movie #inu #instructions #inspirational #garderning #educational #dog
"However, I tend to see them [recipe books] as inspiration rather than instruction and often haven’t worked out what I’m cooking until some way through the cooking process."
I used to use the M18A1 Claymore antipersonnel mine – famously embossed across its effective surface with the bold legend FRONT TOWARD ENEMY – as an admirable example of how #designers might clearly and unambiguously convey #instructions for the use of critical systems so they could not possibly be screwed up. Well, beloved, I have just now learned that “front toward enemy meaning” autocompletes on Google, and I am absolutely terrified by the implications.
I used to use the M18A1 Claymore antipersonnel mine – famously embossed across its effective surface with the bold legend FRONT TOWARD ENEMY – as an admirably simple and straightforward example of how product #designers might clearly convey #instructions for use. Well, beloved, I have just now learned that “front toward enemy meaning” autocompletes on Google. I am absolutely terrified by the implications.
Pictured: #Swastika-clad Neo-Nazi recruited to the #BritishArmy who joined banned #terror group #NationalAction aged 13 – now facing jail for having #bomb-making #instructions on his phone
Sejr Forster was caught with instructions on how to make bombs on his phone Convicted of 2 counts of possessing information likely to be useful for terrorism. A British Army recruit who was referred to Prevent as a schoolboy because of his far-Right...
#swastika #britisharmy #terror #nationalaction #bomb #instructions
I need to do what? #NewServer #Instructions #Complicated :blobcataww:
#newserver #instructions #complicated
Did you know the Bible likens milk to the Word of God?
The Apostle Peter talks about laying down bad attitudes/vices and, like a baby, to desire the milk of the Word in order to grow (ref 1Pe 2:2). Newborn babies drink milk because they are not yet at a point where they are able to eat solid food since their digestive system is not mature enough. They also don’t have teeth, therefore, are not able to chew and break down hard foods.
Milk is the Greek word gala and it is used metaphorically regarding the less difficult Christian truths.
The ‘milk of the word’ is symbolic of truths/teachings or instructions that are easier to understand for new believers.
Do you understand the difference between the milk and the meat of the Word?
Find out more at https://voh.church
#Milk #Word #Mature #Babies #Instructions #Grown #Levelup #Meat #Actions #Truth
#truth #actions #meat #levelup #Grown #instructions #babies #mature #WORD #milk
Another classic episode of 'Stephen Follows Instructions'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7_F5qhf9YY It took me 2 hours and 14 minutes to complete 'Protégé Pizza ontology in 10 minutes' https://protegewiki.stanford.edu/wiki/Protege4Pizzas10Minutes mostly because a large number of the things described in the instructions did not exist in the actual software. I did muddle through though and managed to make the instructions work for me. Some of the most boring video ever, with viewership expected to remain in single digits. #instructions