#OTD August 4, 1988
Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet - "Savvy Show Stoppers" LP
I’ve always loved surf music. This album, which is basically a compilation of previously released singles, is a wonderful and unique mix of post-punk and vintage surf sounds (although I don’t think of this Canadian trio as “a surf band”).
Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet made records that were witty, powerful, evocative, and remarkably fun to listen to. This album is a near-perfect introduction to an endlessly enjoyable band.
I remember hearing “Zombie Compromise” in a Taco Bell commercial several years ago too. Good for them for getting paid.
This album also includes the track "Having an Average Weekend," which became the band’s calling card after it was used as the theme song for The Kids in the Hall.
#SurfRock #GarageRock #IndieRock #InstrumentalRock #Toronto #80s #music
#otd #surfrock #garagerock #indierock #instrumentalrock #toronto #80s #music
♬〜 Steve Vai - For the Love of God 💿Passion and Warfare
#InstrumentalRock #GuitarVirtuoso #AlbumsIOwn #Guitar #Instrumental #NowPlaying
#instrumentalrock #guitarvirtuoso #albumsiown #guitar #instrumental #nowplaying
♬〜 Eric Johnson - Cliffs Of Dover - Instrumental 💿Ah Via Musicom
#Rock #InstrumentalRock #GuitarVirtuoso #Instrumental #Guitar #NowPlaying
#rock #instrumentalrock #guitarvirtuoso #instrumental #guitar #nowplaying
♬〜 Joe Satriani - Surfing with the Alien 💿Surfing with the Alien
#InstrumentalRock #GuitarVirtuoso #Instrumental #AlbumsIOwn #Guitar #NowPlaying
#instrumentalrock #guitarvirtuoso #instrumental #albumsiown #guitar #nowplaying
Final Kickstarter update!
#Guitar #Guitarist #InstrumentalRock #RockGuitar #LoveAndPainkillers #Earthman2 #GuitarsOfMastodon
#guitarsofmastodon #Earthman2 #LoveAndPainkillers #RockGuitar #instrumentalrock #guitarist #guitar
Kickstarter Update #4
#LoveAndPainkillers #Earthman2 #InstrumentalGuitar #InstrumentalRock #Guitarist #Guitar
#guitar #guitarist #instrumentalrock #instrumentalguitar #Earthman2 #LoveAndPainkillers
Kickstarter Update #2!
94% funded!!!
#Guitar #Guitarist #GuitarsOfMastodon #InstrumentalRock #LoveAndPainkillers #Earthman2
#Earthman2 #LoveAndPainkillers #instrumentalrock #guitarsofmastodon #guitarist #guitar
Amazing! I love you people! My Kickstarter to fund getting my second album mastered is over 40% funded after one day!
#Earthman2 #LoveAndPainkillers #guitar #instrumentalrock
Completed lead and harmony guitars on "Twice As Bright v2".
This means I am "guitar complete" on 12 out of 13 tracks. There's still a ton to do once the guitars are put away, but this phase is nearing the end.
#guitar #instrumentalrock #LoveAndPainkillers #Earthman2
In other news, I completed guitars for not one but two tracks for the album this weekend.
#guitar #instrumentalrock #LoveAndPainkillers #Earthman2
First new mudy on the 昨晩 album in 11 years!
#MathRock #InstrumentalRock #JapaneseMusic #日本の音楽 #マスロック
An Instrumental | mudy on the sakuban | diskunion / DIWPRODUCTS
#mathrock #instrumentalrock #japanesemusic #日本の音楽 #マスロック
Completed all lead and harmony guitars on "Human Error".
Album completion now at 58%.
#instrumentalrock #Earthman2 #LoveAndPainkillers
Friday: completed all lead and harmony guitars on "Return to Gamut Street".
Saturday: started lead and harmony guitars on "Human Error" (after around 4 years of trying to find a melody for it, one just fell out of the sky.)
Album completion: 56%.
#instrumentalrock #RockGuitar #Earthman2 #LoveAndPainkillers
OMG it's #BandcampFriday again! If you would like to give me money and get a nice instrumental record in return, please consider buying my album. If you'd like to give me money and _not_ be subjected to my post-rock compositions, I'll send you my Ko-Fi link. 🙂
You're all great.
#Postrock #Doomgaze #InstrumentalRock
61 Cygni from lostlemming
#BandcampFriday #postrock #doomgaze #instrumentalrock
Steve Vai's Vai/Gash is a joyful throwback to simpler times
Vai/Gash is an unearthed, back-to-basics collection from guitar star Steve Vai and his late friend, singer Johnny ‘Gash’ Sombrotto
#Vaigash #SteveVai #VirtuosicInstrumental #InstrumentalRock #JoyfulThrowback #ClassicallyInspired #GuitarOrchestra
#themetaldogarticlelist #louder #vaigash #stevevai #virtuosicinstrumental #instrumentalrock #joyfulthrowback #classicallyinspired #guitarorchestra
The Greatest Instrumental Rock Guitar Solos of All Time
The best standalone solos by the masters of the instrument.
Reading time
#GuitarSolos #InstrumentalRock #GreatestSolos #RockGuitar #TopSolos #MusicHistory
#themetaldogarticlelist #guitarsolos #instrumentalrock #greatestsolos #RockGuitar #topsolos #musichistory
#NowPlaying #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying
Time Odyssey
Race With Destiny
#guitarvirtuoso #guitar #instrumental #VinnieMoore #instrumentalrock
#nowplaying #themetaldogisnowplaying #vinniemoore #guitarvirtuoso #guitar #instrumental #instrumentalrock
{ A Silver Mt. Zion - 13 Angels Standing Guard 'round the Side of Your Bed }
Poznałem ich równocześnie co GY!BE jako , że te zespoły są w dużym stopniu powiązane – chociażby składem :) Wydał mi się ciekawy ale tak naprawdę kilka lat temu poświęciłem mu większą uwagę w ramach nostalgii za czasami młodości.
Da się odczuć podobieństwo do Godspeedów ale w zdecydowanie bardziej intymnej formie. Na pewno ma na to wpływ bardziej kameralny skład (przynajmniej na piewszych albumach) ale też nieco inna metoda budowania nastroju. Brakuje tu perkusji a naraz dominuje mała ilość instrumentów w opozycji do ich ściany dźwięku w miacierzystym projekcie. Czasem jest to pianino a innym razem wiolonczela, kontrabas, bas lub organy. Do tego okraszone to jest nieziemskimi zapętlonymi dźwiękami. Ma się wrażenie płynięcia za każdym dźwiękiem do jakiegoś momentu ,który nigdy nie następuje. Dźwięki nasączone są emocjami – głównie smutkiem. Trzeba przyznać ,że to całkiem piękny smutek.
Moje przemyślenia w głównej mierze dotyczą ich pierwszego albumu :)
#ASilverMtZion #ASilverMountZion #TheeSilverMtZionMemorialOrchestra #PostRock #ExperimentalRock #InstrumentalRock #drone #Loops #RockInstrumentalny #RockEksperymentalny #Montreal #Canada #ConstellationRecords #ambient
#sonicrecommendation #asilvermtzion #asilvermountzion #theesilvermtzionmemorialorchestra #postrock #experimentalrock #instrumentalrock #drone #loops #rockinstrumentalny #rockeksperymentalny #montreal #canada #constellationrecords #ambient