My #Korean is #insufficient :Alcea_LolFace:
#insufficient : wanting in strength, power, ability, capacity, or skill
- French: insuffisant
- Italian: insufficiente
- Portuguese: insuficiente
- Spanish: insuficiente
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it turns out regular #mathematics isn't enough
we know for absolute certain that we will never know if the #continuum #hypothesis is #true or #false
which means the regular fundamental #axioms of mathematics, it turns out, are completely #insufficient to prove the continuum hypothesis either way.
which i think says a lot, doesn't it
#mathematics #continuum #hypothesis #true #false #axioms #insufficient
#insufficient : wanting in strength, power, ability, capacity, or skill
- French: insuffisant
- Italian: insufficiente
- Portuguese: insuficiente
- Spanish: insuficiente
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#ErectileDysfunction and #PeyroniesDisease. A combination you DONNAE want. One makes the other un-treatable. #depression #SuicidalIdeations #unwanted #insufficient #failure #WantToDie #StayAwayFromMe
#erectiledysfunction #peyroniesdisease #depression #suicidalideations #unwanted #insufficient #failure #wanttodie #stayawayfromme